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  • Yousif Abdelrahim

  • Job Title :


  • College :

    College of Business Administration

  • Department :

    Business Administration

Dr. Yousif Abdelrahim is an assistant professor of business administration (management and organizational behavior). Dr. Yousif provides teaching, research, and college leadership services. Dr. Yousif serves as a social responsibility and community service chair and a member of the faculty interviewing committee at Prince Mohammad Bin Fahad University, Dhahran, KSA. Dr. Yousif is a member of the American Honor Society, which enhances educational and professional success. Dr. Yousif has published several research papers in cross-cultural communications, business ethics, sustainable education, and organizational behavior. Dr. Yousif's works in cross-cultural communication are the first to develop a tribalism measure at the individual level and validate tribalism as a unique cultural dimension, which is different from Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory, the model of six dimensions of national cultures. Dr. Yousif also wrote his first reference book in 2021 on tribalism and corruption and is working on writing his second book.

Phd: University of Wisconsin

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9PHgsNAAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57226182330

Orcid: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-3749-8880

Web of Science: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/JNS-8991-2023

SCiProfile: https://sciprofiles.com/profile/yousifabdelrahim





Board Member

Academic Advisor

QS judge member.

·        9 years teaching experience in Business Management & Human Resources Management discipline.

·        14 years relevant industry experience as a supervisor, manager, and vice president,.

·        Experience in developing course curriculum as per AACSB accreditation and international standards.

                          Experience incorporating Educational Technology in curriculum and instructional strategies. Below is some brief teaching, research, & industry experience:-

11 a. Academic Experience

University / Department /Position Held

From                        To

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University- Department of BA-Assistant Professor

8/2019 ------------Present

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater – Department of Business and Law-Research Associate.

9/2016 -------------7/2019

University of Science & Technology, Omdurman, Sudan – Lab Technologist.


11 a. Academic Experience

University / Department /Position Held

From                        To

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University- Department of BA-Assistant Professor

8/2019 ------------Present

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater – Department of Business and Law-Research Associate.

9/2016 -------------7/2019

University of Science & Technology, Omdurman, Sudan – Lab Technologist.


11 b. Industry Experience

Organization / Position Held

From                          To

Optimal Inc. Business Services & Optimal Insurance & Consulting Services, Columbus, GA, USA - Vice President                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

2009 -------------------2015

Al-Wasmi Bottled Water Company, Dubai, UAE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Quality Controller & Plant Manager                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


Health Mineral Water Co., Ajman, UAE- Operations Manager.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         



Organizational Behavior

 Post Graduate (PG) – MBA

Corporate Governance

 Post Graduate (PG) – MBA

International Business

 Post Graduate (PG) – MBA

Thesis (Independent Research Supervision)

 Post Graduate (PG) – MBA

Strategic Management (Managing Strategy)

 Post Graduate (PG) – MBA

 Research Methodology

 Post Graduate (PG) – MBA

Leadership and Change Management

 Post Graduate (PG) – MBA

Business Research Methods (Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis)

 Post Graduate (PG) – MBA

Introduction to Human Resource Management

 Under Graduate (UG)

Business Psychology

 Under Graduate (UG)

Innovation & Entrepreneurship

 Under Graduate (UG)

Business Ethics

 Under Graduate (UG)

Marketing Principles

 Under Graduate (UG)

International Business

 Under Graduate (UG)

Strategic Management

 Under Graduate (UG)

Organization Behaviour

 Under Graduate (UG)

Legal Environment of Business

 Under Graduate (UG)

Capstone (Capsim) - Learning Outcome ASSEIII

 Under Graduate (UG)

Research Methodology

 Under Graduate (UG)

Principles of Management

 Under Graduate (UG)

Business Analytics

 Under Graduate (UG)

Project Management

 Under Graduate (UG)


Human Behavior.

Sustainable Education.

Sustainabilty in Society.

Creativity and Innovation.

Corruption & Unethical Behavior.