Prof. Dr. Shaik Feroz is currently working at Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Dr. Feroz obtained his doctorate in the field of Chemical Engineering from Andhra University, India in 2004 and Post Doc Research Fellow from Leibniz University, Germany in 2015. M. Tech in Chemical Engineering from Osmania University, India in 1998 and B. Tech in Chemical Engineering from S. V. University, India in 1992. Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Studies from Andhra University in 2003.
Dr. Feroz has expertise in process engineering, plant design and troubleshooting, quality control using advance analytical equipment, wastewater treatment, solar energy systems (PV & CSP) for desalination, hot water systems and water treatment, synthesis of nano photo catalysts, simultaneous treatment of wastewater and production of hydrogen, environmental impact assessment, design, delivery and management chemical & process engineering programs and tailored made industrial based training programs related to chemical and process engineering.
Dr. Feroz has more than 270 publications to his credit in journals and conferences of international repute and supervised 7 PhD research works with another 1 on-going. Dr. Feroz is associated as the Principal Investigator/CO-Investigator to a number of research projects and also involved as “Technology transfer agent” by Innovation Research Center, Sultanate of Oman. He has a significant contribution as Editorial member and peer reviewer for various reputed international journals and conferences. He was awarded “Best Researcher” by the Caledonian College of Engineering for the year 2014. He awarded two US patents (#11530160 in 2022 and #12035705 in 2024). Dr. Feroz has total experience of 33 years in teaching, research and industry. Dr. Feroz is the visiting professor to Maejo University, Thailand and adjunct professor to Saveetha Engineering College, India. Listed in top 2% Scientist 2023 as per Stanford University.
B.Tech, M.Tech, PGDES, PhD, PDF (Germany)
Journal Articles (Research)
Feroz Shaik, Foud Mohammad Jastaniah, Ahmed Gazi Aharbi, Hydrogen energy prospectus and challenges in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Springer Book series-Green energy and Technology, 2025 (Upcoming).
Dinesh Mevada, Dileep Kumar M, Pavithra G, Lizina Khatua, Preeti Gupta, Nageswara Rao Lakkimsetty, Feroz Shaik, Hitesh Bhargav, Choon Kit Chan, Mit Patel, Performance analysis of triple basin solar still with energy-exergy analysis approach, Applied Chemical Engineering (2024) 7(3) 1-19; http://doi.10.59429/ace.v7i3.5518
Shyam K. Dabhi, Vimal R. Patel, Dileep Kumar M, Keelagaram Gunaprasad, T C Manjunath, Ibrahim Abdallah Ismail Hassan, Nageswara Rao Lakkimsetty, Feroz Shaik, Natrayan L, Application of solar thermal collectors for milk pasteurization to explore the potential of renewable energy in the dairy sector: Challenges and possibilities, Applied Chemical Engineering (2024) 7(3) 1-23.
Faizan Ahmed, Mohd Sharizal Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Chor, C.Y, Experimental and numerical investigation of an innovative desalination unit under laminar, transient, and turbulent flow conditions. Chemical Engineering Research and Design (Q1).
Faizan Ahmed, Mohd Sharizal Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Chor, C.Y, Analyzing the impact of vacuum level on the energy and exergy efficiency of unique solar desalination unit driven by concentrating solar power technology, Thermal Sciences and Engineering Progress, 50(24) 102588; (Q1).
Pankaj Dumka, Rishika Chauhan, Dhananjay R. Mishra, Feroz Shaik, Pavithra Govindaraj, Abhinav Kumar, Chandrakant Sonawane, Vladimir Ivanovich Velkin, Development and implementation of a Python functions for automated chemical reaction balancing, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 34(3) (2024) 1557-1565; (Q3).
Sakhile Karunya, Jyoti Prakas Sarkar, Parthapratim Gupta, Shaik Feroz, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Effect of physical properties of solid particles and liquid media on the hydrodynamics of a liquid-solid inverse fluidized bed, Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, 2024; (Q1).
Faizan Ahmed, Mohd Sharizal Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Chor, C.Y, Performance Assessment of a unique solar desalination device operating with concentrated solar power technology and variable feed temperatures, Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 197 (2024) 109722; (Q1).
Deepanraj Balakrishnan, Feroz Shaik, Muhammad Aamer Mehmood, Innovative strategies for treatment and management of saline water/wastewater, Editorial, Water Reuse;
Ronakkumar Shah, Vishal Chaudhary, Manoj Kumar, Feroz Shaik, Digvijay Kulshrestha, Chandrakant Sonawane, Purva Saxena, Ankit Oza, Abhinav Kumar, Design and performance analysis of hydrogen-fueled micro combustion chamber with focus on back pressure minimization, Applied Chemical Engineering, 7(1) (2024) 1-12; 10.24294/ace.v7i1.3364
Faizan Ahmed, Mohd Sharizal Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Chor, C.Y, Salinity impacts on a unique desalination system embedded with concentrated solar energy for cleaner production, Journal of Cleaner Production, 434 (2024) 140223; (Q1).
Mathna Salah Al-Sumri, Feroz Shaik, Nageswara Rao Lakkimsetty, and M. J. Varghese, Techno-Economic Analysis of Solar and Wind Energy Systems for Power and Hydrogen Production, Advances in Clean Energy Systems and Technologies (Green Energy and Technology), Springer edited by Lin Chen, (2024), 207-215;
Conference Articles (Research)
Deepanraj Balakrishnan, Prabhakar Sharma, Feroz Shaik, Anatha Ramanan Lakshmipathi, AI-based Prognostic Analysis of NOx Emission from Industrial Diesel Engine for Feedback Control System, IEEE Conference, Warangal, India.
N. Senthil Kumar, B. Deepanraj, Feroz Shaik and E>M. Elsehly, Artificial Intelligence based investigation on drilling of MWCNT-Seashell-Nylon66 hybrid polymer composites by fuzzy inference system, 2024 3rd International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON), Karnataka, India. Mar 1-3, 2024.
Journal Articles (Research)
Nayeemuddin Mohammed, Puganeshwary Palaniandy, Feroz Shaik, Hiren Mewada, Statistical modelling of solar photocatalytic biodegradability of seawater using combined photocatalysts, J. Inst. Eng. India Ser E, 2023; (Q3).
Nayeemuddin Mohammed, Puganeshwary Palaniandy, Feroz Shaik, Hiren Mewada, Experimental and computational analysis for optimization of seawater biodegradability using photocatalysis, IIUM Engineering Journal, 24(2) 2023, 11-33; (Q3).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Feroz Shaik, Review on an integrated pre-treatment system to reduce membrane accelerated biofouling during red tide occurrences in Oman, Materials Today: Proceedings (2023); (Q2).
Adhra Khalfan Al Jahmani, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, M.J. Varghese, Motilal Lakavat, Feroz Shaik, Treatment of kitchen grey water by ceramic filter and optimization using Response surface methodology, Materials Today: Proceedings (2023); (Q2).
Kaki Venkata Rao, Yekula Prasanna Kumar, Feroz Shaik, Measurement and optimization of power consumption and aerosol emissions in magnetic field-assisted electrical discharge machining of Inconel 718, Soft Computing (2023); (Q2).
M. Venkata Ratnam, P. Akilamudhan, K. Senthil Kumar, S. Narasimha Reddy, K. Nagamalleswara Rao, Feroz Shaik, D. M. Reddy Prasad, Carbon-Based Nanoadsorbents for the Removal of Emerging Pollutants, Adsorption Science & Technology, 2023 (2023) 3579165; (Q2).
Feroz Shaik, Syam Sundar Lingala, Punnaiah Veeraboina, Effect of various parameters on the performance of solar PV power plant: a review and the experimental study, Sustainable Energy Research (2023) 10:6;
Ozan Eskikaya, Sadin Özdemir, Serpil Gonca, Nadir Dizge, Deepanraj Balakrishnan, Feroz Shaik, Natarajan Senthilkumar, A comparative study of iron nanoflower and nanocube in terms of antibacterial properties, Applied Nanoscience (2023); (Q2).
Safiya Al Ajmi, Murtuza Ali Syed, Feroz Shaik, Mohammed Nayeemuddin, Deepanraj Balakrishnan, Venkata Ratnam Myneni, Treatment of industrial saline wastewater using eco-friendly adsorbents, Journal of Chemistry, 2023 (2023) 7366941; (Q2).
Nageswara Rao Lakkimsetty, S. Karunya, G. Kavitha, Noura Ali Moosa Al Balushi, Shabib Sulaiman Ali Al Rashdi, Feroz Shaik, Application of waste tire derived activated carbon for the removal of heavy metals in wastewater using Response surface methodology, Materials Today: Proceedings (2023); (Q2).
Mani Divya Konduru, Meena Vangalapati, Feroz Shaik, Performance of electrocoagulation process using iron and aluminum electrodes with and without perforations, Chem. Chem. Technol., 17(1) (2023) 164-169; (Q3).
B. Deepanraj, S. Thirumalvalavan, S. Selvarasu, N. Senthilkumar, Feroz Shaik, Investigation and optimization of wear properties of flax fiber reinforced Delrin polymer composite, Materials Today: Proceedings (2023); (Q1).
Nayeemuddin Mohammed, Puganeshwary Palaniandy, Feroz Shaik, Balakrishnan Deepanraj, Hiren Mewada, Statistical analysis by using soft computing methods for seawater biodegradability using ZnO photocatalyst, Environmental Research 227 (2023) 115696; (Q1).
Salim Rashid Salim Alalyani, Nageswara Rao Lakkimsetty, Feroz Shaik, M J Varghese, Modeling and optimization of bioethanol production yield from corn starch using response surface methodology, Environment, Development and Sustainability, (2023); (Q1).
L. Syam Sundar, Venkata Ramayya Ancha, Feroz Shaik, Jamal Nayeh, Influence of thermophysical characteristics on figure of merit in turbulent heat transfer of water and ethylene glycol mixture based RGO/Nano diamond hybrid nanofluids, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 30(3):1–32 (2023); (Q2).
Lingala Syam Sundar, Feroz Shaik, Zafar Said, Experimental determination of thermophysical properties and figures of-merit analysis of 80:20% water and ionic liquid mixture based MXene nanofluid, Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science, 1–15; (Q2).
Lujain Abdullatif Alshuhail, Feroz Shaik, L. Syam Sundar, Thermal efficiency enhancement of mono and hybrid nanofluids in solar thermal applications – A review, Alexandria Engineering Journal (2023) 68, 365–404; (Q1).
L. Syam Sundar, Shaik Feroz, Laminar convective heat transfer, entropy generation, and exergy efficiency studies on ethylene glycol based nanofluid containing nanodiamond nanoparticles, Diamond & Related Materials, 131 (2023) 109599; (Q2).
Mansoor Alruqi, Prabhakar Sharma, Balakrishnan Deepanraj, Feroz Shaik, Renewable energy approach towards powering the CI engine with ternary blends of algal biodiesel-diesel-diethyl ether: Bayesian optimized Gaussian process regression for modeling-optimization, Fuel 334 (2023) 126827; (Q1).
Nageswara Rao Lakkimsetty, Mai Ahmed Ali Al Qaidi, Varghese M Joy, Karunya S, Feroz Shaik, Anti-corrosion behaviour of TiO2-nanocomposites coated stainless steel, Materials Today: Proceedings (Q2).
Polinati Satya Sagar, Satish Kommoji, Iyyappan Jayaraj, Deepanraj Balakrishnan, Feroz Shaik, Mahendra Vucha, Lalitha Gnanasekaran, Lipid bioproduction through optimization of thermal diluted acid pretreatment on native grass using Yarrowia lipolytica, Fuel 333 (2023) 126475; (Q1).
L. Syam Sundar, Shaik Feroz, Heat transfer and exergy efficiency analysis of 60% water and 40% ethylene glycol mixture diamond nanofluids flow through a shell and helical coil heat exchanger, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 184 (2023) 107901; (Q1).
L. Syam Sundar, Shaik Feroz, and Faramarz Djavanroodi, Introduction, Nanomaterials for Energy Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2023).
Syed Murtuza Ali and Shaik Feroz, Nanomaterial and polymer based photocatalysts for energy applications, Nanomaterials for Energy Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2023).
L. Syam Sundar and Shaik Feroz, The use of advanced nanomaterials for lithium ion rechargeable batteries, Nanomaterials for Energy Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2023).
L. Syam Sundar and Shaik Feroz, Advanced nanocomposite materials for super capacitor applications, characteristics and properties, Nanomaterials for Energy Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2023).
L. Syam Sundar, Shaik Feroz, Faramarz Djavanroodi, Nanomaterials for Energy Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2023).
Conference Articles (Research)
Lujain Abdullatif Alshuhail, Alanood Mahmoud Almoaikel, Feroz Shaik, L. Syam Sundar, Pool boiling heat transfer characteristics of using nanofluids, Materials Research Proceedings 36 (2023) 47-55.
Rahaf Almutairi, Feroz Shaik and Syam Sundar Lingala, Ionic fluids: A review on its properties and thermal applications, Materials Research Proceedings 36 (2023) 16-37
Nageswara Rao Lakkimsetty, Shuruq Said Al Hashmi, Shaik Feroz, Karunya S, Varghese M J, Santosh Walke, Optimization studies of nitrogen removal from natural gas processing facility of Oman north gas field, AIP Conference Proceedings 2690, 020027 (2023); (Q4).
Khalid Abdullah Al Shamakhi, Nageswara Rao Lakkimsetty, Feroz Shaik, Varghese M J, Optimization studies of fresh cooling water network in ammonia manufacturing plant, AIP Conference Proceedings 2690, 020026 (2023); (Q4).
Faizan Ahmed, Feroz Shaik, Balakrishnan Deepanraj, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Nano materials employed in solar distillation device: A mini review, AIP Conference Proceedings 2690, 020024 (2023); (Q4).
Faizan Ahmed, Feroz Shaik, Balakrishnan Deepanraj, S. Karunya, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Nano engineered materials in solar energy systems for clean environment – A review, AIP Conference Proceedings 2690, 020022 (2023); (Q4).
Karunya Sakhile, Jyoti Prakas Sarkar, Parthaprathim Gupta, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Mudathir Al Khanjari, Feroz Shaik, Experimental studies on two phase inverse fluidization using non-newtonian fluid, AIP Conference Proceedings 2690, 020025 (2023); (Q4).
Nageswara Rao Lakkimsetty, Harib Mansoor Nasser Al-Sharji, M. J. Varghese, Feroz Shaik, Karunya S, G. Kavitha, Experimental investigation on ZnO-Fenton as solar photocatalyst to treat the oilfield produced water by response surface methodology, AIP Conference Proceedings 2690, 020019 (2023); (Q4).
Karunya Sakhile, Jyoti Prakas Sarkar, Parthaprathim Gupta, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shravanya Gundu, Feroz Shaik, Elimination of contaminants from petroleum wastewater
by inverse fluidization technique, AIP Conference Proceedings 2690, 020052 (2023); (Q4).
Nageswara Rao Lakkimsetty, Mahnad Humaid Alsawafi, M.J. Varghese, Karunya S, Balakrishnan Deepanraj, Feroz Shaik, Dissolution of asphaltene using heptol solvent and optimization of process parameters using response surface methodology (RSM), AIP Conference Proceedings 2690, 020020 (2023); (Q4).
G. Kavitha, Nageswara Rao Lakkimsetty, N. Chittibabu, M. Venkateswara Rao, Feroz Shaik, Bioprocessing optimization for efficient simultaneous removal of lead and chromium by Gracilaria Corticata seaweed biomass, AIP Conference Proceedings 2690, 020050 (2023); (Q4).
Feroz Shaik, Nayeemuddin Mohammed, Faizan Ahmed, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Advanced technologies for the treatment of pesticides, AIP Conference Proceedings 2690, 020023 (2023); (Q4).
Journal Articles (Research)
I. Ihsanullah, Gulzar Alam, Arshad Jamal, Shaik Feroz, Recent advances in applications of artificial intelligence in solid waste management: A review, Chemosphere 309 (2022) 136631; (Q1).
Faizan Ahmed, Mohd Sharizal Abdul Aziz, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Shaik Feroz, A review on application of renewable energy for desalination technologies with emphasis on concentrated solar power, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 53 (2022) 102772; (Q1).
Faizan Ahmed, Mohd Sharizal Abdul Aziz, Mohd Remy Rozainy Mohd Arif Zainol, Khor Chu Yee, Shaik Feroz, Dewi Suriyani Che Halin, Mohd Arif Anuar Mohd Salleh, Marwan Kheimi, Design, modelling and optimization of a novel concentrated solar powered (CSP) flash desalination system involving direct heating and pressure modulation using response surface methodology (RSM), Sustainability, 14 (2022) 11558; (Q1).
Sakhile Karunya, Jyoti Prakas Sarkar, Parthapratim Gupta, Shaik Feroz, Removal of major pollutants from petroleum wastewater by adsorption with activated carbon derived from date seed in an Inverse fluidized bed, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, (2022); (Q1).
Manappallil Joy Varghese, Shaik Feroz, Susmita Dutta, Artificial intelligence-based multiobjective optimization of reverse osmosis desalination pretreatment using a hybrid ZnO-immobilized/photo-Fenton process, Chemometrics, 3434 (2022) 1-16; https://doi.org10.1002/cem.3434 (Q3).
Edwin Makhado, Boitumelo Rejoice Motshabi, Dalia Allouss b, Kabelo Edmond Ramohlola, Kwena Desmond Modibane, Mpitloane Joseph Hato, Ravin M. Jugade, Shaik Feroz, Sadanand Pandey, Development of a ghatti gum/poly (acrylic acid)/TiO2 hydrogel nanocomposite for malachite green adsorption from aqueous media: Statistical optimization using response surface methodology, Chemosphere, 306 (2022) 135524; (Q1).
Syam Sundar, L., Feroz Shaik, Sharma, K.V., Punnaiah, V, Ant´onio C.M. Sousa, The second law of thermodynamic analysis for longitudinal strip inserted nanodiamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluids, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 181 (2022) 107721; (Q1).
Serpil Gonca, Sadin Ozidemir, Zelal Isik, Islem M’barek, Shaik Feroz, Nadir Dizge, Balakrishnan Deepanraj, Synthesis of silver nanoparticles from red and green parts of the pistachio hulls and their various in-vitro biological activities. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 165 (2022) 113170; (Q1).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Sakhile Karunya, L. Motilal, P. Saidireddy, G. Suman, Synthesis, characterization and application of polymer composite materials in wastewater treatment, Materials Today: Proceedings, (2022); (Q2).
Asraful Alam Md, Chun Wan, Dang Thuan Tran, Mofijur M, Shams Forruque Ahmed, Muhammad Aamer Mehmood, Feroz Shaik, Dai-Viet N.Vo, Jingliang Xu, Microalgae binary culture for higher biomass production, nutrients recycling, and efficient harvesting: a review, Environmental Chemistry Letters (2022); (Q1).
R. Senthil kumar, Saravana Kumar Krishnan, D.M. Reddy Prasad, B.S. Naveen Prasad, Shaik Feroz, Effective batch and column remediation of zinc(II) from synthetic and electroplating effluents using biochar from brown alga, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, (2022); (Q1).
Book Chapter
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, S. Karunya, M.J. Varghese, and Shaik Feroz, Solar-activated zinc oxide photocatalytic treatment of oil produced water, Technological Innovation in Engineering Research, 3 (2022) 85-101;
Shaik Feroz and Detlef W. Bahnemann, Introduction, Removal of pollutants from saline water: treatment technologies, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2022).
Mohammed Nayeemuddin, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, and Shaik Feroz, Advanced oxidation processes for the treatment of pollutants from saline water, Removal of pollutants from saline water: treatment technologies, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2022).
Faizan Ahmed and Shaik Feroz, Treatment of pollutants from brackish water: Technologies and Challenges, Removal of pollutants from saline water: treatment technologies, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2022).
Syed Murtuza and Shaik Feroz, Application of polymers in the treatment of industrial saline wastewater, Removal of pollutants from saline water: treatment technologies, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2022).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, M.J. Varghese, and Shaik Feroz, Low cost adsorbents for the treatment of saline oil produced water, Removal of pollutants from saline water: treatment technologies, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2022).
Shaik Feroz, Detlef Bahnemann, Removal of pollutants from saline water: treatment technologies, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2022).
Conference Articles (Research)
Shaik Feroz, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Investigation on Anti-corrosion properties of TiO2 Nanocomposites on Stainless steel, Second Global Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Materials (GC-RASM 2022), India, (2022).
Shaik Feroz, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Study on reducing the base sediment and water in crude oil separation, Recent Innovations in Science & Technology (RIST 2022), India, (2022).
Shaik Feroz, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Techno-economic analysis and optimization of solar and wind energy systems for power generation and hydrogen production in Oman, Recent Innovations in Science & Technology (RIST 2022), India, (2022).
Shaik Feroz, Mohammed Nayeemuddin, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Treatment technologies for the removal of microplastics from aqueous medium, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2463 (2022) 030009; (Q4).
Faizan Ahmed, Shaik Feroz, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Nano engineered materials in solar energy systems for clean environment – A review, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2463 (2022) 030008; https://doi.org10.1063/5.0080230 (Q4).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, L. Motilal, Santhosh Walke, G. Suman, G. Kavitha, Shaik Feroz, Comprehensive process design of biodiesel from waste cooking oil (WCO) using magnetic nano-catalyst, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2463 (2022) 030007; (Q4).
Mohammed Nayeemuddin, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Shaik Feroz, Solar photocatalytic biodegradability of saline water: Optimization using RSM and ANN, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2463 (2022) 020027; (Q4).
Enaam Saleh Al-Rahbi, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, G. Kavitha, M.J. Varghese, L. Motilal, Shaik Feroz, Experimental studies on treatment and reuse of grey water using wetland adsorption system, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2463 (2022) 030006; (Q4).
Journal Articles (Research)
Mohammed Nayeemuddin, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Shaik Feroz, Optimization of solar photocatalytic biodegradability of seawater using statistical modelling, Journal of Indian Chemical Society, 98 (2021) 100240; (Q4).
Myneni Venkata Ratnam, Kanidarapu Nagamalleswara Rao, Shaik Feroz Shaik, Vangalapati Meena, Response surface modeling of the removal of methyl orange dye from aqueous solution using magnesium oxide nanoparticles immobilized on chitosan, Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, (2021); https://doi.org10.30492/IJCCE.2021.122511.4002 (Q3).
Shaik Feroz, Mohammed Nayeemuddin, Testing an aerobic fluidized biofilm process to treat intermittent flows of oil polluted wastewater, Journal of Engineering Research, (2021); (Q3).
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Shaik Feroz, Optimization of the petroleum wastewater treatment process using TiO2/ Zn photocatalyst, South African Journal of Chemical Engineering, 38 (2021) 61-69; (Q1).
M.J. Varghese, Susmita Dutta, Shaik Feroz, M. Geetha Devi, Nanophotocatalytic treatment of seawater using TiO2 immobilized and suspension system under solar irradiation, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 43 (2021) 102263; (Q1).
M. Geetha Devi, Susmita Dutta, Ashraf Talib Al Hinai, Shaik Feroz, Nano engineered biodegradable capsules for the encapsulation and kinetic release studies of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 98 (2021) 100109; (Q4).
Faizan Ahmed, Shaik Feroz, Waqar Ahmed Khan, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Experimental assessment of multi-purpose evaporative type cooler used for refrigeration and air cooling, Materials Today: Proceedings, (2021); (Q2).
Adhra Khalfan Al Jahmani, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, M.J. Varghese, L. Motilal, Shaik Feroz, Treatment of kitchen grey water by ceramic filter and optimization using Response surface methodology, Materials Today: Proceedings, (2021); (Q2).
Mohammed Nayeemuddin, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Shaik Feroz, Pollutants removal from saline water by solar photocatalysis: a review of experimental and theoretical approaches, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, (2021); (Q3).
Syed Murtuza Ali, Zahra Sulaiman Al‑Shukaili, Shaik Feroz, Mohammed Nayeemuddin, Development and characterization of algae based semi‑interpenetrating polymer network composite, Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, (2021); (Q1).
Sakhile Karunya, Jyothi Prakas Sarkar, Prathapratim Guptha, Shaik Feroz, Application of response surface methodology for optimizing processing conditions for the adsorption of pollutants from refinery effluent of Oman, Research Journal of Biotechnology, 16(2) (2021) 55–65 (Q4).
Shareena Nazeer, Shaik Feroz, Syed Murtuza Ali, Bioremediation of metal ions from aqueous solutions using Algae Cladophora sp., Ecology Environment and Conservation, 27(1) (2021) 108-114 (Q4).
Saif Ullah Khan, Rumman Zaidi, Shaik Feroz, Izharul Haq Farooqi, Ameer Azam, Hatem Abuhimd, Faheem Ahmed, Evaluation of Fe-Mg binary oxide for As (III) adsorption—synthesis, characterization and kinetic modelling, Nanomaterials, 11(805) (2021) 1-16; (Q1).
Shaik Feroz, Said S Al Siyabi, Mohammed Nayeemuddin, Megdi Eltayeb, Assessment of ground and surface water quality and its contamination, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, (2021) 1-20; (Q3).
Shaik Feroz, Said S Al Siyabi, Syed Murtuza Ali, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Mohammed Nayeemuddin, Assessment of Falaj Water Quality, Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, 18(1) (2021) 25-30; https://doi.org10.3233/AJW210004 (Q3).
M.J. Varghese, Shaik Feroz, Susmita Dutta, Solar nano-photocatalytic pretreatment of seawater: process optimization and performance evaluation using response surface methodology and genetic algorithm, Applied Water Science, 11(18) (2021) 1-15; (Q1).
M.J. Varghese, Shaik Feroz, Susmita Dutta, TiO2/photo-Fenton process for seawater pretreatment: Modeling and optimization using response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural networks (ANN) coupled genetic algorithm (GA), Indian Journal of Chemical Society, (2021) (Q4).
M.J. Varghese, Shaik Feroz, Susmita Dutta, Solar nano-photocatalytic pretreatment of seawater: process optimization and performance evaluation using response surface methodology, Indian Journal of Chemical Society, (2021) (Q4).
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Shaik Feroz, Assessment of TiO2/ZnO/H2O2 Photocatalyst to treat wastewater from oil refinery within visible light circumstances, South African Journal of Chemical Engineering, 35 (2021) 69-77; (Q1).
David Pritchard, Shaik Feroz, Mass and Energy Balancing: Calculations for Plant Design, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2021).
Conference Articles (Research)
Wafa Juma Al Hasani, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Lakavat Motilal, Shaik Feroz, G. Kavitha, A green process for producing biodiesel from chicken skin and its feather as a cost effective feedstock, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2396 (2021) 020001; (Q1).
Mohammed Nayeemuddin, P. Puganeshwary, Shaik Feroz, Solar photocatalytic biodegradability of saline water: Optimization using RSM and ANN, Recent Innovations Science & Technology, India (2021).
Shaik Feroz, Asmahan Al Hasani, Syed Murtuza Ali, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Investigation on Performance of Polymer Matrix embedded with photocatalyst for Treatment of Oil Produced Water. International Conference on New Strategies in Water Treatment and Desalination (NSWTD-2021), India (2021).
Shaik Feroz, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, G. Kavitha, Experimental investigation on Industrial wastewater using Musa acuminata and Citrus aurantium Bio-adsorbents, International Conference on New Strategies in Water Treatment and Desalination (NSWTD-2021), India (2021).
Harib Mansoor Nasser Al-Sharji, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, M.J. Varghese, Shaik Feroz, Investigation on zinc oxide-fenton as solar photocatalyst by response surface methodology to treat the oilfield produced water, International Conference on New Strategies in Water Treatment and Desalination (NSWTD-2021), India (2021) (Best Paper Award).
Journal Articles (Research)
Nallakulla Sriesha, B Lal, Shaik Feroz, Kinetic and isothermal investigations in elimination of iron metal from aqueous mixture by using natural adsorbent, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, (2020); (Q1).
Muna Salim Said Al Foori, Shaik Feroz, M.J. Varghese, Syed Murtuza Ali, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Investigation on the effect of Nano-photocatalysis using solar energy as a pre-treatment for reverse osmosis desalination process, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, 10 (2020) 12933-12946 (Q3).
Fathya Yousuf Mohammed Salih, Sakhile Karunya, Shaik Feroz, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Treatment of petroleum wastewater using synthesized Hematite (α-Fe2O3) photocatalyst and optimization with response surface methodology, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 101 (2020) 1-20; (Q3).
Syed Murtuza Ali, Mohammed Al Sawafi, Shaik Feroz, Mohammed Nayeemuddin, Polyurethane green composites: synthesize, characterization and treatment of boron present in oil produced water, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 13(8) (2020) 1866-1873 (Q3).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Ruqaiya Saud Al Said, Santhosh Walke, Ganesh Patil, Removal of zinc and copper from aqueous solutions by using modified sugarcane bagasse as low cost adsorbent, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, 10(3) (2020) 7785-7798 (Q3).
Omar Al Abri, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Pretreatment of oil produced water using low cost adsorbents, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, 10 (2020) 2435-2444 (Q3).
Syed Murtuza Ali, Amit Kumar Mauriya, Shaik Feroz, Investigation of epoxy resin/nano-TiO2 composites in photocatalytic degradation of organics present in oil-produced water, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 100 (2020) 1-18; (Q3).
Nasser Al Riyami, Shaik Feroz, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Environmental impact on usage of treated effluents from istp for irrigation, Journal of Water Process Engineering , 36 (2020) 101363; (Q1).
Furqan Butt, Syed Murtuza Ali Syed, Shaik Feroz, Palm oil bleaching using activated carbon prepared from neem leaves and waste tea, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 13 (2020) 557-561 (Q3).
Conference Articles (Research)
A. Sumaiya, Syed Murtuza Ali, Shaik Feroz, Mohammed Nayeemuddin, Utilization of agro-waste material as potential adsorbent for wastewater treatment, Resource Efficiency through circular economy, 10th IconSWM-CE 2020, India (2020).
M.J. Varghese, Shaik Feroz, Susmita Dutta, Modelling and Optimization of TiO2/Photo-Fenton process for seawater pretreatment with artificial neural networks (ANN) and Response Surface Methodology (RSM). WEES 2020, NIT Durgapur, India (2020).
M.J. Varghese, Shaik Feroz, Susmita Dutta, Solar Nano-Photocatalytic Pretreatment of Seawater: Process Optimization and Performance Evaluation Using Response Surface Methodology. WEES 2020, NIT Durgapur, India (2020).
Journal Articles (Research)
Manahel Mohammed Al Araimi, M.J. Varghese, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Optimization and Assessment of Residual Chlorine Using Response Surface Method (RSM and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Modelling, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8 (2019) 258-263 (Q4).
Journal Articles (Research)
Qais Salim Al-Saidi, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, M.J. Varghese, Automobile Wash Water Treatment Using Date Seed Adsorbent and Bio-Sand Filtration System, International Journal of Environmental Chemistry, 4 (2018) 1-7.
Book Chapter
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, P. Puganeshwary, Shaik Feroz, Advanced oxidation processes (AOP’s) to treat the petroleum wastewater, IGI Global Publication, (2018).
Journal Articles (Research)
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Degradation of total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) in petroleum wastewater by solar photo-fenton process, Global NEST Journal, 19 (2017) 430-438 (Q3).
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Treatment of petroleum wastewater by conventional and new technologies- A review, Global NEST Journal, 19 (2017) 439-452 (Q3).
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Salem S. Abu Amr, Performance of photocatalyst and Fenton processes to treat the petroleum wastewater- A review, Global NEST Journal. 19 (2017) 396-411 (Q3).
Obaid Muslem Al Hajri, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Study of corrosion rate in water treatment plant in Oil field, International Journal of Chemical Synthesis and Chemical Reactions, 3 (2017) 26-36.
Shaik Feroz, Khalid Al Saadi, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, M.J. Varghese, Performance studies on solar photocatalysis and photo Fenton process in treatment of polymer-based oil produced water, International Journal of Photochemistry, 3 (2017) 1-6.
Yousuf M Al Rawahi, Shaik Feroz Shaik, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Studies on scale deposition in oil industries and their control, International Journal for Innovative Research & Technology, 3 (2017) 152-167.
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Salem S. Abu Amr, Performance of different photocatalytic oxidation processes in petroleum wastewater treatment: A comparative study, Global NEST Journal, 19 (2017) 167-175 (Q3).
Hasna Al Jabri, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Application of solar nano photocatalysis in the pretreatment of reverse osmosis seawater desalination, International Journal of Applied Nanotechnology, 3 (2017) 11-17.
M. A. A. Al Mashari, M.J. Varghese, Shaik Feroz, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Characterization and photocatalytic treatment of oil produced water using TiO2, International Journal of Applied Nanotechnology, 3 (2017) 1-10.
Melcher Johannes, Shaik Feroz, Detlef Bahnemann, Comparing photocatalytic activities of commercially available Iron doped and un doped aeroxide TiO2 P25 powders, Journal of Material Science, 52 (2017) 6341-6348; http://doi.org10.1007/s10853-017-0865-4 (Q1).
Fathi Al Jabri, Shaik Feroz, Investigation of thrust bearing high temperature in gas turbine, International Journal of Renewable Energy and Its Commercialization, 3 (2017) 1-13.
Ahmed Harib Al Bulushi, Shaik Feroz, Syed Murtuza Ali, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Studies on lead content of residential paints used in Oman, International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology, 3 (2017) 88-93.
Shaik Feroz, Treatment of saline water by solar nano photocatalysis, Synthesis and Catalysis, 2(1) (2017).
Book Chapter
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, New treatment of petroleum wastewater using combination of solar photo-three catalysts ZnO, TiO2 and photo-Fenton process, Advances in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, IGI Global Publication, (2017).
Conference Articles (Research)
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Evaluation of photocatalyst of TiO2/Fenton/ZnO to treat the petroleum wastewater. Proceedings of American Institute of Physics Conference, Malaysia (2017).
Journal Articles (Research)
Manahel Al Araimi, B.M. Sangeetha, Shaik Feroz, Shamsa Al Saadi, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Treatment of seawater using solar energy in a re-circulation pipe reactor, International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology, 2 (2016) 422-426.
Abdulaziz Al Maqbali, Shaik Feroz, G. Ram, H. Al Dhamr, Feasibility Study on spent pot lining (SPL) as raw material in cement manufacture process, International Journal of Environmental Chemistry, 2 (2016) 19-26.
Ahmed Zaabi, Shaik Feroz, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Investigation of high corrosion rate in oil production carbon steel pipelines, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Processing, 2 (2016) 1-10.
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Comparison and performance of petroleum wastewater treatment using photocatalytic TiO2, photo-fenton, TiO2/Fenton and TiO2/Fenton/ZnO processes, Water Resources and Industry, (2016) 1-22; (Q1).
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Evaluation of the solar photo-Fenton process to treat the petroleum wastewater by response surface methodology (RSM), Environmental Earth Science Journal, 75 (2016) 1-12; (Q4).
C.V. Sudhir, Shaik Feroz, Potential of 16 m2 solar scheffler reflectors for thermal applications-experimental investigation, International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, 4 (2016) 42-46.
Shaik Feroz, C.V. Sudhir, M.J. Varghese, Challenges of seawater desalination in Oman and study of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr) heavy metals in seawater, International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, 4 (2016) 47-50.
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Salem S. Abu Amr, Evaluating photo-degradation of COD and TOC in petroleum refinery wastewater by using TiO2/ZnO photo-catalyst, Water Science and Technology, 74 (2016) 1312-1325 (Q2).
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Comparative study to the solar photo-Fenton, solar photocatalyst of TiO2 and solar photocatalyst of TiO2 combined with Fenton process to treat petroleum wastewater by RSM, Journal of Petroleum & Environmental Biotechnology, 7 (2016) 1-5;
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Comparative study of advanced oxidation processes to treat petroleum wastewater, Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry, 43 (2016) 97-101; http://doi.org10.1515/hjic-2015-0016.
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, G. Prabhakar, M. Venkateswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Experimental study on removal of zinc metal ions from aqueous solution using Ulva Lobata Sp. an as adsorbent. International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & technology, 2 (2016) 30-38.
Book Chapter
Shaik Feroz, Application of solar nano photocatalysis in reverse osmosis pre-treatment processes, S. Feroz, Renewable energy technologies for water desalination, Ed Professor Bundschuh, CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2016).
Conference Articles (Research)
C.V. Sudhir, Shaik Feroz, Potential of 16 m2 solar scheffler reflectors for thermal applications-Experimental investigation, Proceedings of Research Word International Conference, Dubai, UAE, (2016).
Shaik Feroz, C.V. Sudhir, M.J. Varghese, Challenges of seawater desalination in Oman and study of lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Nickel (Ni), Chromium (Cr) heavy metals in seawater, Proceedings of Research Word International Conference, Dubai, UAE, (2016).
C.V. Sudhir, Shaik Feroz, Design concepts of decentralized solar thermal desalination systems using Scheffler Concentrators. Global Symposium on Engineering and Applied Science (GSEAS 2016), Thailand, (2016).
Shaik Feroz, Nano photocatalyst and its application in water treatment/H2 production, International conference on advanced material and Technology (ICMAT-16), India, (2016).
Shaik Feroz, C.V. Sudhir, M.J. Varghese, Trace-metals in seawater of Oman and its impact on desalination, Global Symposium on Engineering and Applied Science (GSEAS 2016), Thailand, (2016).
S. Karunya, J. P. Sarkar, Shaik Feroz, A study on treatment of industrial wastewater using low cost adsorbent method. International Conclave on Innovations in Engineering & Management (ICIEM-16), Oman (2016).
Shah Jahan, Rajnarayan Saha, Shaik Feroz, Seasonal variations of major ions along the coastline of Oman. International Conclave on Innovations in Engineering & Management (ICIEM-16), Oman, (2016).
Shah Jahan, Rajnarayan Saha, Shaik Feroz, Seasonal variations of minor ions along the coastline of Oman. International Conclave on Innovations in Engineering & Management (ICIEM-16), Oman, (2016).
Shaik Feroz, Research and Development @ CCE, National Symposium on Scientific Research in Omani Private Universities and Colleges: Challenges and Prospectus, Oman, (2016).
Shaik Feroz, Application of nanotechnology for efficient utilization of energy. National Symposium on Efficient Utilization of Resources and its Economic Impacts (EUREI’16), Oman, (2016).
Journal Articles (Research)
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Evaluating the TiO2 as a solar photocatalyst process by response surface methodology to treat the petroleum wastewater, Karbala International Journal of Modern Science, (2015) 1-8; (Q2).
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, New treatment of petroleum wastewater using the combination of solar photo-three catalysts ZnO, TiO2, and photo-fenton process, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (2015) 6-14 (Q2).
Shamsa Al Saadi, M. Geetha Devi, Syed Murtuza Ali, Shaik Feroz, M.J. Varghese, Treatment of textile industry waste water using solar photo catalysis, Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, 6 (2015) 1-5.
Shaik Feroz, Shamsa Al Saadi, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Treatment of industrial wastewater by solar nano photocatalysis, International Journal of ChemTech Research, 8 (2015) 177-182 (Q3).
S.V. Satyanarayana, M.J. Varghese, Shaik Feroz, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Total organic carbon and its variation in grey water samples, International Journal of Applied Research, 1 (2015) 573-575 (Q3).
J.L. Jayanthi, D. Kamalakar, Shaik Feroz, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Removal methylene red from aqueous solution by adsorption technique, Journal of Chemical. Biological and Physical Sciences, 5 (2015) 601-606.
Hamed Mattar, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Effect of pH and total hardness on stability of crude oil water in oil emulsions, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 15 (2015) 278-281 (Q2).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, G. Prabhakar, Shaik Feroz, Biosorption of chromium from aqueous solution by using citrus reticula: equilibrium and kinetic studies, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 7 (2015) 117-127 (Q3).
Shaik Feroz, Widaad Al Harthy, Mahad Baawain, Shamsa Al Saadi, M.J. Varghese, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Experimental studies for treatment of seawater in a re-circulation batch reactor using TiO2 P25 and polyamide, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (2015) 259-266 (Q2).
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Treatment of petroleum wastewater using combination of solar photo-two catalyst TiO2 and photo-Fenton process, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 3 (2015) 1117-1124; (Q1).
Thuraiya Mahir Al Khusaibi, Joefel Jessica Dumaran, M. Geetha Devi, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Treatment of dairy wastewater using orange and banana peels, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 7 (2015) 385-391 (Q3).
Hasna Al Jabri, Shaik Feroz, Studies on the effect of TiO2 nano photocatalysis in the pretreatment of seawater reverse osmosis desalination, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 6 (2015) 543-546; http://doi.org10.7763/IJESD.2015.V6.653 (Q3).
Hasna Al Jabri, Alaa Al Hudaifi, Shaik Feroz, Fouzal Ameer Marikar, Mahad Baawain, Investigation the effect of TiO2 and H2O2 for the treatment of Inorganic carbon present in seawater, International Journal of Engineering and Science, 5 (2015) 50-55.
Saeed Hamed, Merlin Thomas, Shaik Feroz, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, A study on the separation of lipids with dual solvent system using liquid extraction, International Journal of Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Biological Sciences, 5 (2015) 437-439 (Q3).
S. Karunya, Shaik Feroz, Sheikha Al Harassy, S. Kishore, Treatment of Oman pharmaceutical industry wastewater using low cost adsorbents. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, 2 (2015) 339-341.
Hasna Al Jabri, Shaik Feroz, The effect of combining TiO2 and ZnO in the pretreatment of seawater reverse osmosis process, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 6 (2015) 348-351 (Q3).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, J. L, Jayanthi, D. Kamalakar, Shaik Feroz, M. Venkateswara Rao, Experimental studies on removal of reactive red 195 dye from aqueous solution by using activated carbon as an adsorbent, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, 4 (2015) 1-9.
C. Anna Jesil, Shaik Feroz, Mahad Bawaain, J.P. Sarkar, A study on removal of contaminants from secondary treated municipal wastewater by solar photocatalysis, Environmental Engineering and Management, (2015) (Q2).
Conference Articles (Research)
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, New treatment of petroleum wastewater using the combination of solar photo-three catalysts ZnO, TiO2, and photo-fenton process. 1st International Conference on Green and Environmental Technology (ICGET 2015) Conference, Malaysia (2015).
Shaik Feroz, M.J. Varghese, Syed Murtuza Ali, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Treatment of organic pollutants present in seawater by solar nano photocatalysis. Nanotechnology for Water Treatment and Solar Energy Applications, Oman, (2015).
Journal Articles (Research)
M. Geetha Devi, Susmita Dutta, Ashraf Talib Al-Hinai, Shaik Feroz, Studies on encapsulation of rifampicin and its release from chitosan-dextran sulfate capsules, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 5 (2014) 1-6; http://doi.org10.1007/s11814-014-0161-9 (Q2).
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, Organic pollutants removal from petroleum refinery wastewater with nano titania photocatalyst and solar irradiation in Sohar oil refinery, Journal of Innovative Engineering, 2(3) (2014) 5.
Dheeaa Al Deen A Aljuboury, Palaniandy Puganeshwary, Hamidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Shaik Feroz, A review on the fenton process for wastewater treatment, Journal of Innovative Engineering, 2(3) (2014) 4.
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, A case study on reduction of BOD and COD from dairy effluents, International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry, 3 (2014) 536-549.
M. Geetha Devi, Rahma Salim Al Kindi, G. Chandrasekar, Syed Murtuza Ali, Shaik Feroz, Treatment of textile mill effluent using low molecular weight crab shell chitosan, Desalination and Water Treatment, 52 (2014) 1-7; (Q2).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, D. Kamalakar, M. Venkateswara Rao, Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamics studies of methylene blue dye from aqueous solution by using natural adsorbent, International Journal of Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Biological Sciences, 4 (2014) 960-967 (Q3).
Shaik Feroz, Fahad Al Siyabi, Dumaran Joefel Jessica, Shamsa Al Saadi, Mahad Baawain, Application of solar nano photocatalysis in treatment of seawater, International Scientific Journal Architecture and Engineering, 2 (2014) 14-17.
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Studies on removal of methylene blue color using waste tea powder as adsorbent, International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology, 3 (2014) 882-889.
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, D. Kamalakar, E-waste supervision-Need of the hour, Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 4 (2014) 3809-3818.
M. Geetha Devi, Susmita Dutta, Ashraf Al Hinai, Shaik Feroz, Surface morphology study of chitosan-dextran sulphate multilayer thin films, Journal of chitin & chitosan science, 2 (2014) 245-258; http://doi.org10.1166/jcc.2014.1069.
Shaik Feroz, C. Anna Jesil, Mahad Bawwain, J.P. Sarkar, Studies on wastewater treatment using photo catalysis in Oman, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 535 (2014) 106-109; http://doi.org37.200.229.162-18/02/14,12:32:21 (Q3).
Conference Articles (Research)
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Innovative methods to control of water pollution-A study on green chemistry, APAS Golden Jubilee Science Congress, India, (2014).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, P. Suresh Babu, Experimental study on bio sorption of zinc metal by C. Reticulata waste powder, APAS Golden Jubilee Science Congress, Indian, (2014).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, P. Suresh Babu, P, Equilibrium studies for the sorption of lead and zinc from aqueous solution using C. Reticulata as an adsorbent. International Conference on Environmental and Energy, India (2014).
Hasna Al Jabri, Shaik Feroz, Studies on the effect of Nano Photo Catalysis in the pretreatment of seawater reverse osmosis desalination. 2nd International Conference on Renewable energy and Environment (ICREE 2014), Indonesia, (2014).
Hasna Al Jabri, Shaik Feroz, Studies on effect of combining TiO2 and ZnO in the pretreatment of seawater reverse osmosis process. International Conference on Substantial Environmental Technologies (SCIEI), UAE, (2014).
Shaik Feroz, Fahad Al Siyabi, D. Joefel, Shamsa Al Saadi, Mahad Baawain, Application of Solar Nano Photocatalysis in Treatment of Seawater, ICAEE, France, (2014).
Shaik Feroz, Asma, Syed Murtuza Ali, Solar photo catalytic degradation of seawater organic matter using lead (II) oxide, ACLSE, China (2014).
Shaik Feroz, C. Anna Jesil, Mahad Bawwain, J.P. Sarkar, Solar Photo catalyst coating and Its Performance in Wastewater Treatment. Asia Symposium on Engineering and Information (ASEAI), Thailand (2014).
Shaik Feroz, Solar Energy Perspectives in Gulf Country, International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering (ICEEEE 2014), China (2014).
Shaik Feroz, C. Anna Jesil, Mahad Bawwain, J.P Sarkar, Studies on wastewater treatment using photo catalysis in Oman, International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering (ICEEEE 2014), China (2014).
Shaik Feroz, Thuriya Mahir Al Khusaibi, D. Joefel, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Treatment of dairy wastewater using orange peels, International Conference on Environmental and Energy, India (2014).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Innovative methods of Nanotechnology in wastewater treatment, DST sponsored national conference on Recent Challenges on chemical and biological sciences, India (2014).
Journal Articles (Research)
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Removal of zinc from aqueous solution by adsorption using Citrus Reticulata: Equilibrium and Kinetic studies, Caled. j. eng., 9 (2013) 23-30.
Ahmed Al Azizi, K.P. Ramachandran, Shaik Feroz, Experimental studies on the effect of injecting de-oiler chemical in the induced gas flotation (IGF) unit, Caled. j. eng., 9 (2013) 60-65.
M. Geetha Devi, Susmita Dutta, Ashraf Talib Al- Hinai, Shaik Feroz, Encapsulation and release of moxifloxacin hydrochloride from chitosan dextran sulphate microcapsules, Indian Chemical Engineer, 55 (2013) 258-270; (Q3).
C. Anna Jesil, J.P. Sarkar, Shaik Feroz, Mahad Bawwain, Photo catalytic degradation of organics in municipal treated wastewater in a re-circulation reactor, Journal of Environmental protection, 4 (2013) 1449-1452;
M. Geetha Devi, Suhail Suroor Said Al Hamimy, Shaik Feroz, A comparative study on adsorption of chromium (VI) using high molecular weight crab shell chitosan and date seed carbon, Journal of chitin & chitosan science, 1 (2013) 111-115; http://doi.org10.1166/jcc.2013.1022.
M. Geetha Devi, Susmita Dutta, Ashraf Talib Al- Hinai, Shaik Feroz, Synthesis and characterization of monodisperse silica particles for pharmaceutical applications, Int. J. Eng. Research & Technol, 2 (2013) 628-631 (Q3).
M. Geetha Devi, Khadija Ali Said Al Omairi, Shaik Feroz, Syed Murtuza Ali, Treatment of textile effluent using multi-layer thin films, Int. J. Eng. Research & Technol, 2 (2013) 702-706 (Q3).
C. Anna Jesil, Shaik Feroz, Mahad Bawwain, J.P. Sarkar, Photo catalytic removal of contaminants from secondary treated municipal waste water in a continuous re-circulation reactor, International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, 8 (2013) 113-128 (Q4).
M. Geetha Devi, D. Joefel, Shaik Feroz, Dairy wastewater treatment using low molecular weight crab shell chitosan, J. Inst. Eng. India, 93 (2013) 9-14. http://doi.org10.1007/s40034-012-0005-2 (Q3).
D.G. Rao, R. Senthil kumar, J. Anthony Bryne, Shaik Feroz, Wastewater Treatment: Advanced Processes and Technologies, Ed., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2013).
Book Chapter
D G Rao, T Hariharan, Shaik Feroz, Processing of Dates by dehydration and Microwave Drying, in Dates the genus Phoenix – Production, Processing, Food and Medicinal values, Eds. Manickavasagan, Essa and Sukumar, CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2013).
D.G. Rao, R. Senthil Kumar, J.A. Byrne, Shaik Feroz, Introduction, Wastewater Treatment: Advanced Processes and Technologies, Eds. D.G. Rao, R. Senthil Kumar, J.A. Byrne, Shaik Feroz, CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2013).
D.G. Rao, N. Meyyappan, Shaik Feroz, Treatment of Effluent waters in food processing industries, Wastewater Treatment: Advanced Processes and Technologies, Eds. D.G. Rao, R. Senthil Kumar, J.A. Byrne, Shaik. Feroz, CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2013).
R. Senthil kumar, M. Velan, Shaik. Feroz, Removal of heavy metals by seaweeds in wastewater treatment, Wastewater Treatment: Advanced Processes and Technologies, Eds. D.G. Rao, R. Senthil Kumar, J.A. Byrne, Shaik. Feroz, CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, (2013).
Conference Articles (Research)
Ahmed Al Bulushi, K.P. Ramachandran, Shaik Feroz, M.J. Varghese, Entrepreneurial Development Activities at CCE along with feedback to TRC report, National workshop on Entrepreneurial Higher Education for Sustainable Development: The role of higher education institutions, Sultanate of Oman, (2013).
Widaad Al Harthy, Hasna Al Jabri, Shaik Feroz, Prospectus and Challenges for Solar Desalination in Oman-A Review, International Conference on Harnessing Technology (ICHT 2013), Sultanate of Oman, (2013).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Removal of zinc from aqueous solution by adsorption using Citrus Reticulata: Equilibrium and Kinetic studies, International Conference on Harnessing Technology (ICHT 2013), Sultanate of Oman, (2013).
Journal Articles (Research)
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, G. Prabhakar, Shaik Feroz, Bio sorption of chromium ions from aqueous solution by using citrus reticulata: equilibrium and kinetic studies, Caled. j. eng., 8(2) (2012) 20-28.
A.M. Saravanan, R. Senthil kumar, Shaik Feroz, Experimental investigations on two-phase flow for air-water system, Caled. j. eng., 8(2) (2012) 45-52.
Shah Jahan, Shaik Feroz, Rajnarayan Saha, Analysis of seasonal variations of hydro-meteorological, general and particulates in seawater along the coastline of sultanate of Oman, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 1(10) (2012) 1-7 (Q3).
M. Geetha Devi, Susmita Dutta, Ashraf Al Hinai, Shaik Feroz, Preparation and characterization of natural degradable microcapsules, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, 2(7) (2012) 108-111.
Shaik Feroz, C. Anna Jesil, Treatment of organic pollutants by heterogeneous photo catalysis, J. Inst. Eng. India, 93 (2012) 45-48; http://doi.org10.1007/s40034-012-0001-6 (Q3).
Shaik Feroz, C. Anna Jesil, Baqir Al Lawati, Ahmed, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Kinetic and degradation studies of organic compound in photo catalytic reactors, Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 2(1) (2012) 140-146.
Conference Articles (Research)
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Bio-filtration: An alternative control of Air Pollution, AP Science Congress 2012, India (2012).
Shaik Feroz, Wastewater and Solid Waste Scenario in Sultanate of Oman. International symposium on Environmental Impacts, Health Implications and Therapeutic Approaches 2012 (ISEHT 2012), India (2012).
Shaik Feroz, M. Ramakrishna, Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives in Oman Organizations-A review, The first international conference on corporate social responsibility, business and human rights (ICCSRBHR 2012), India, (2012).
Shah Jahan, Rajnarayan Saha, S.B. Das, Shaik Feroz, An Investigation on Seasonal Variations of Sea Water Composition Parameters along the coastline of Oman, International Conference on Knowledge Management and Resource, Sultanate of Oman (2012).
Journal Articles (Research)
Shah Jahan, Sultan Al Rubkhi, Shaik Feroz, Evaluation of crude oil desalting methods, Caled. j. eng. ,7(2) (2011) 49-53.
Ravinder Kumar, Shaik Feroz, D. Ragavesh, Resel, Performance analysis of solar installation at CCE, Caled. j. eng., 7(2) (2011) 25-34.
Shaik Feroz, N.B. Raut, Reham Mahmood Saleh Al-Maimani, Utilization of solar energy in degrading organic pollutant-A case study, International Journal of COMADEM, 14(3) (2011) 33-37 (Q3).
Shaik Feroz, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Build resources against future uncertainty-A review on alternative resources in Oman, Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 1(2) (2011) 229-240.
T. Suleiman, Shaik Feroz, Study the effect of photocatalyst in the desalination of seawater by solar energy, Caled. j. eng., 7(2) (2011) 43-48.
Suleiman Mohammed Al Abry, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Residence time distribution studies in miniature pipes, Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 1(2) (2011) 363-377.
Conference Articles (Research)
Ravinder Kumar, Shaik Feroz, D. Ragavesh, Resel, Performance analysis of solar installation at the Caledonian College of Engineering, Oman, ICHT 2011, Sultanate of Oman, (2011).
T. Suleiman, Shaik Feroz, Study the effect of photocatalyst in the desalination of seawater by solar energy, ICHT 2011, Sultanate of Oman (2011).
N. Mayyappan, Shaik Feroz, Bio electrochemical fuel cells-A Review, ICHT 2011, Sultanate of Oman, (2011).
C. Anna Jesil, Shaik Feroz, Solar photocatalysis to remove organics in a flat plate reactor, ICHT 2011, Sultanate of Oman, (2011).
Journal Articles (Research)
Shaik Feroz, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, M. Venkateswara Rao, Seawater desalination and its environmental impact in Oman- A review, ANU Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2 (2010) 29-32.
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, G. Prabhakar, Shaik Feroz, Adsorption of lead and zinc from aqueous solution using Ficus Benghalensis L. as adsorbent, International Journal of Engineering Studies, 2 (2010) 231–246.
Conference Articles (Research)
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Nanotechnology for Human Health. Indian Chemical Engineering Congress, CHEMCON 2010, India, (2010).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Biofiltration for control of air pollution. Indian Chemical Engineering Congress, CHEMCON 2010, India, (2010).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, M. Venkateswara Rao, G. Prabhakar, Removal of zinc ions from aqueous solutions by Ficus benghalensis, Indian Chemical Engineering Congress, CHEMCON 2010, India, (2010).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz M. Venkateswara Rao, G. Prabhakar, Treatment of industrial dairy wastewater, Indian Chemical Engineering Congress, CHEMCON 2010, India, (2010).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Fluoride removal from drinking water by adsorption-A theoretical review using bone char as a biosorbent. Indian Chemical Engineering Congress, CHEMCON 2010, India, (2010).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, M. Venkateswara Rao, G. Prabhakar, Adsorption of lead and zinc ions from aqueous solutions by Ficus benghalensis as adsorbent. Indian Chemical Engineering Congress, CHEMCON 2010, India, (2010).
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, M. Venkateswara Rao, G. Prabhakar, Removal of lead ions from aqueous solutions by Ficus benghalensis. Indian Chemical Engineering Congress, CHEMCON 2010, India, (2010).
Shaik Feroz, VSRK. Prasad, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Comparative studies on removal of cadmium metal ions from effluents using coconut shell coke and commercial activated charcoal, Proceedings of ICEM’10, 2nd International Conference on Environmental Management (Climate change mitigation technologies – Policies and regulations to mitigate climate change), India (2010) 1006-1013.
Journal Articles (Research)
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, S. Venkateswara Rao, Biological treatment of industrial wastewaters using up-flow anaerobic contact filter, J. Inst. Eng. India, 89 (2009) 3-7 (Q3).
News Article (Research)
Shaik Feroz, Drive young Omani minds towards research. An article was published by The Times of Oman, (2009).
Conference Articles (Research)
C.M. Aniyankunju, Shaik Feroz, Palm date seeds and its application as activated carbon – A review, Proceedings of International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (CBEE 2009), Singapore, (2009) 344-349.
Shaik Feroz, Sea Water Desalination and its Environmental impact in Oman. International symposium on Environmental Pollution, Ecology and Human Health, India, (2009).
Journal Articles (Research)
Shaik Feroz, VSRK Prasad, Average mass transfer coefficients in electrolytic cells, J. Inst. Eng. India, 88 (2008) 11-17 (Q3).
Shaik Feroz, Shah Jahan, Removal of copper ions from effluents using coconut shell coke in a fixed bed adsorber, Caled. j. eng., 4 (2008) 7-14.
Shaik Feroz, VSRK Prasad, C.B. Bhaskarsarma, Lakshman Rao, Mass transfer studies with submerged impinging jets in closed cylindrical cell in the presence of solids, Journal of Engineering Research, 5 (2008) 30-36 (Q3).
News Article (Research)
Nitin Raut, Shaik Feroz, Significant increase in waste incineration-Concerns over pollution. Pharma Bio World (Insight into the pharmaceutical and biotech industries), India, (2008).
Conference Articles (Research)
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, Application of tapered fluidized bed bioreactors for waste water treatment, iiche-chemcon 2008, India, (2008).
M. Mustafa, Shaik Feroz, Quality management in education-A case study. The first National Conference for quality, promoted by Oman Quality Network in association with Ministry of Higher Education and Oman Accreditation Council, Sultanate of Oman, (2008).
Shaik Feroz, Nitin Raut, Reham Mahmood Saleh Al-Maimani, Utilization of solar energy in degrading organic pollutant- A case study, The International Conference on Harness Technology, Sultanate of Oman, (2008).
Nitin Raut, Shaik Feroz, Environmental safety and health concerns of the application of Nanomaterials. Proceedings of National conference on Environmental Engineering and Management (NCEEM 2008), India (2008).
Journal Articles (Research)
Shaik Feroz, VSRK Prasad, Variation of mass transfer coefficients in the radial direction for submerged impinging multi-jet flow of fluid electrolyte, Turkish J. Eng. Env. Sci., 31 (2007) 235-242 (Q2).
Shaik Feroz, Reham Mahmood Saleh Al-Maimani, Performance of photo-catalytic reaction in pipe reactor, Caled. j. eng., 3 (2007) 27-32.
Conference Articles (Research)
Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Shaik Feroz, S. Venkateswara Rao, Studies in biological treatment of industrial wastewaters using up-flow anaerobic contact filter. Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling and Simulation (Emerging methods towards frontier technologies in chemical and physical sciences), India, (2007).
Shaik Feroz, Significance of Chemical Engineering Research in Oman Engineering Colleges. Proceedings of Regional Symposium, The role of human resources management in enhancing quality of educational institutions in the gulf countries, Sultanate of Oman, (2007).
Shaik Feroz, Chemical Engineering through e-Learning, Distance and Open Education – its significance in Oman. Proc. International Conference on Distance Education, ICODE 2006, Sultanate of Oman.
Journal Articles (Research)
Shaik Feroz, Studies on mass transfer with impinging multi-jets-A Review, J. Inst. Eng. India, 86 (2006) 47-50 (Q3).
Shaik Feroz, Lakkimsetty Nageswara Rao, Kesava Rao, Compressible fluid flow measurement using square edge orifice – sizing and validation, Caled. j. eng., 2 (2006) 7-11.
Shaik Feroz, VSRK Prasad, Mass transfer coefficients at the stagnation point with submerged impinging multi-jet flow of fluid electrolyte, Turkish J. Eng. Env. Sci., 30 (2006) 221-229 (Q2).
Shaik Feroz, VSRK. Prasad, Comparative studies on removal of zinc using activated charcoal and coconut shell coke, Caled. j. eng., 2 (2006) 17-21.
Shaik Feroz, Electrochemical treatment of industrial effluents – An overall view, Caled. j. eng., 2 (2006) 13-16.
Shaik Feroz, VSRK Prasad, Momentum transfer studies with submerged impinging multi-jet flow of fluid electrolyte in closed cylindrical cells, Caled. j. eng., 1 (2006) 5-13.
News Article (Research)
Shaik Feroz, Chemical Engineering = chemistry?. An article was published by The Times of Oman (Weekend magazine), (2006) 17-18.
Conference Articles (Research)
Shaik Feroz, S. Anisuddin, Engineering Education at work place through in-plant training using simulation software. Proc. 9th UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education, Sultanate of Oman.
Journal Articles (Research)
Shaik Feroz, VSRK Prasad, P. King, A study on treatment of metallic effluents using activated charcoal, J. Inst. Eng. India, 86 (2005) 12-15 (Q3).
Shaik Feroz, VSRK Prasad, P. King, Treatment of metallic effluents using coconut shell coke, Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, 47 (2005) 109-114.
Shaik Feroz, J.M. Rao, VSRK Prasad, Mass transfer studies in plate extraction tower - individual and mixed solutes, J. Inst. Eng. India, 85 (2005) 59-63 (Q3).
News Article (Research)
Shaik Feroz, The Universal Engineer, An article on Scope of Chemicals Engineering in Oman was published by The Times of Oman, (2005).
Journal Articles (Research)
Shaik Feroz, Z. Pramod, P.V. Ravikumar, VSRK Prasad, Study on axial mixing in open and packed columns with and without pulsation, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 63 (2004) 672-676 (Q2).
Solar Nano-Photo catalysis, Solar desalination, Solar photocatalytic hydrogen production and environmental engineering.
Research Projects:
Co-Investigator: Photo-degradation of heavy metals:A prospect towards green nanotechnology based photocatalysis, Centre of excellence for research, value innovation and entrepreneurship.
Principal Investigator: To investigate the effect of lead, mercury, poly chlorinated biphenyls in home paints, Ministry of Environmental & Climate Affairs (MECA), Sultanate of Oman.
Principal Investigator: Application of solar nano photo catalyst in pre-treatment of reverse osmosis process, The Research Council, Sultanate of Oman.
Principal Investigator: Development of a National Standardization Policy for Omani Manufactured Water Coolers & Air Conditioners (Split Units).
Principal Investigator: Characterization and Treatment of Textile Industry Effluents using Nanotechnology.
Principal Investigator: Solvent Extraction Process for the Extraction and Separation of Niobium and Tantalum.
Principal Investigator Solar Energy Application in RO Pre-Treatment Process (Phase-I).Principal Investigator: An investigation of total composition of sea water in Oman.
Co-Investigator: Design and development of desalination flash chamber for integrating it with concentrated type solar collectors, The Research Council, Sultanate of Oman.
Co-Investigator: Standalone solar photovoltaic water cooler, Industrial Innovation Center, Sultanate of Oman.
Co-Investigator: Removal of Toxic Organic Pollutants and By-Products Using Advanced Oxidation Processes and Nanotechnology.
Co-Investigator: Performance Analysis of Solar Panels Installed in CCE Campus 1.
Academic advisor: Value Creation from Oil Production water: Pilot Production of Microalgae for the Commercial Production of High-Value Products.
Life member of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers and Institution of Engineers, India. Member of Oman Society of Engineers and Environmental Society of Oman. Member of Society of Petroleum Engineers, Member of Americal Institue of Chemical Engineers, .