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  • Bassem Nasri, Ph.D.

  • Job Title :


    Department of Business Administration

  • College :

    College of Business Administration

  • Department :

    Business Administration

Dr. Bassem Nasri has a Doctorate of Business Administration - Entrepreneurship and Franchising from Grenoble Ecole de Management, France, an MBA - Strategic Management from City University London, UK, and a Bachelor of Sciences from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon. Along more than 20 years, Bassem occupied senior management positions at leading Middle East companies based out of Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and UAE, and helped companies grow and expand into global franchise chains and retail networks. Bassem teaches Strategic Management, Organizational Development and Change, Entrepreneurship, International Business, Franchise Management, Managerial Development, Negotiation and Communication Skills, Conflict Management and Stress Management. He conducts research on Entrepreneurship, Franchising, and Internationalization, with recent focus on emergence, expansion and global competitiveness of Middle East businesses, especially in Saudi Arabia and UAE. Bassem supervises postgraduate students’ research, reviews research for journals and academic conferences, and is planning on future research in Entrepreneurship, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Cultural Business Adaptation. In 2012, Bassem designed and developed the “Professional Certificate in Franchise Management”, an executive education program currently being adopted at leading Lebanese universities. A member of the International Society of Franchising, the European Academy of Management, the Lebanese-Dutch Business Association, and affiliate of professional and community service organizations, Bassem addressed and participated at international business and academic conferences in USA, Europe, and the Middle East. He speaks English, French, German and native Arabic.


  • Doctorate of Business Administration Grenoble Ecole de Management, Grenoble, France
  • Masters of Business Administration City University London, London, UK
  • Bachelor of Sciences American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon


Publications with PMU Affiliations:


Title/Research Paper


July 2020

"Home-grown middle eastern franchises: prospects for the future"

Bassem Nasri, Pablo Collazzo, and Dianne H. B. Welsh




International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1-15

January 2021

"Kudu: Crossing the Saudi Border"

Published Case Study


Pablo Collazzo, Bassem Nasri, and Dianne H. B. Welsh

Chapter in Book:

“Case Studies in Global Entrepreneurship” – 3rd Edition


Kendall Hunt Publishing Company

ISBN 978-1-7924-3665-9



Conferences with PMU Affiliations:

Date & Place

Title/Research Paper

Conference Name

May 24-26, 2021,

USC Business School,

UNSW Business School

"Internationalization Challenges for Saudi Arabian Fast-Food Franchises: The Case of Kudu"

(1) Nasri, Bassem

(2) Collazzo Yelpo, Pablo

34th Annual International Society of Franchising Conference - ISoF 2021


June 16-18, 2021, Université du Québec à Montréal


"Patriotism and Competitiveness in Saudi Arabia"

(1) Nasri, Bassem

(2) Collazzo Yelpo, Pablo

(3) Al-Anazi, Salem Mufadhi

European Academy of Management Annual Conference - EURAM 2021

June 16-18, 2021, Université du Québec à Montréal


"Gender Contribution to the Competitiveness of Social Media Entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia: Context of National Transformation"

(1) Nasri, Bassem

(2) Collazzo Yelpo, Pablo

(3) Al-Hashim, Ala'a H.

European Academy of Management Annual Conference - EURAM 2021

March 6-7, 2018, Manama, Bahrain


"Cultural Contribution to International Competitiveness of Middle East Retail Food Franchises"

(1) Nasri, Bassem

(2) Collazzo Yelpo, Pablo

2nd International Conference

on Emerging Research for Sustainable Economic Development

June 20-23, 2018, University of Iceland

Reykjavik, Iceland

"Exploring National Factor Contribution to International Competitiveness of Middle Eastern Retail Food Franchise - Cases from Lebanon and UAE"

(1) Nasri, Bassem

(2) Collazzo Yelpo, Pablo

European Academy of Management Annual Conference - EURAM 2018


June 28-30, 2018, Quito - Ecuador


"Exploring National Factor Contribution to International Competitiveness of Middle Eastern Retail Food Franchises- Cases from Lebanon and UAE"

(1) Nasri, Bassem

(2) Collazzo Yelpo, Pablo

32nd Annual

International Society of Franchising Conference

Escuela Politécnica Nacional, with the support of

GATE L-SE and IAE-SE, University of Lyon, France

CORS, University of São Paulo, Brazil


  • “Expansion of Middle East Retail Food Franchises: Competitiveness at Global Markets” Bassem Nasri and Pablo Collazo Yelpo, Research Paper submitted on 10/6/2016 at the “30th Annual International Society of Franchising Conference – ISoF 2016”, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
  • “Competitiveness of Local Retail Food Franchises in the Middle East at Home Markets: The Influence of Foreign Franchises” Bassem Nasri and Pablo Collazo Yelpo, Research Paper submitted on 1/6/2016 at  the “16th European Academy of Management Annual Conference (EURAM 2016)”, Université Paris –Est Créteil (UPEC), Paris, France.
  • “Emergence of Local Retail Food Franchises in the Middle East: The Influence of Foreign Franchises – Focus on Saudi Arabia & United Arab Emirates” Bassem Nasri and Pablo Collazo Yelpo, Research Paper submitted on 18/6/2015 at  the “29th Annual International Society of Franchising Conference”, Historical Building, University of Oviedo Oviedo, SPAIN.



Google Scholar:  https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=jaQ1e4sAAAAJ&hl=en



Entrepreneurship, International Business (Senior, MBA & EMBA), Business Negotiation, Marketing Management (MBA & EMBA), New Product/Service innovation (MBA), Cross-Cultural Management (MBA), Organizational Leadership (MBA), Negotiation and Conflict Management (Senior & MBA), Franchise Management (MBA), Organizational Development.


Entrepreneurship, Internationalization, Franchising, Retail Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Entrepreneurship



  • International Society of Franchising (ISOF)
  • European Academy of Management (EURAM)
  • Lebanese-Dutch Business Association (LDBA)