Dr. Abul Bashar is currently working as Assistant Professor at Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the College of Computer Engineering and Sciences. Earlier, he completed his PhD from the School of Computing and Information Engineering at the University of Ulster, Coleraine, UK in 2011. He received his B.E. degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India in 1995. He has an M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (K.F.U.P.M.), Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1999. Before joining his PhD research he was a Lecturer for 8 years in the Electrical Engineering department at K.F.U.P.M. He is a recipient of Osmania University Engineering Gold Medal in 1995, M.S. Research Scholarship from KFUPM (1996) and Vice Chancellors Research Scholarship from University of Ulster (2008). He is actively involved in the TPC/Review committees of renowned journals and conferences namely CSC IJCN, IEEE WCNC 2011, ISCI 2011, ICDIPC 2011, ICSECS 2011, DICTAP 2011 and NDT 2009/2010/2012.
Mohammed Albaijan, Faleh Alyahya, Marwan Alsubaie, Abul Bashar, "Security and Performance Challenges, Solutions and Future of Cloud-based IoT Systems: A brief review " in Proc. of EAI MTYMEX 2024, 29 Mar., 2024 (Accepted for publication)
Lingkai Yang, Sally McClean, Abul Bashar, Samuel Moore, Zeeshan Tariq, " Using semi-Markov models to identify long holding time of activities of daily living in smart homes," in Proc. of IEEE Smart World Congress (IEEE SWC 2023), 28-31 Aug., 2023 (Accepted for publication)
Deemah Alosail, Hussa Aldolah, Layla Alabdulwahab, Abul Bashar, Majid Khan, " Smart Glove for Bi-lingual Sign Language Recognition using Machine Learning," in Proc. of International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (IEEE IDCIoT 2023), 05-07 Jan., 2023
Abul Bashar, Shahabuddin Muhammad, Nazeeruddin Mohammad, Majid Khan, " Modeling and Analysis of MDP-based Security Risk Assessment System for Smart Grids," in Proc. of 4th IEEE ICISC Conference (IEEE ICISC 2020), 08-10 Jan., 2020.
Hawra AlSaid, Lina AlKhatib, Aqeela AlOraidh, Shoaa AlHaidar, Abul Bashar, "Deep Learning Assisted Smart Glasses as Educational Aid for Visually Challenged Students," in Proc. of 2nd IEEE ICTCS Conference (IEEE ICTCS 2019), 09-11 Oct., 2019
Abul Bashar, Zainab AlSalman, Nawal AlSomali, Sarah AlSayari, "Speech Driven Robotic Arm for Sorting Objects Based on Colors and Shapes," in Proc. of 3rd IEEE ICICT Conference (IEEE ICICT 2018), 15-16 Nov, 2018
Abul Bashar, " ML-based Admission Control of Cloud Services: Centralized versus Distributed Approaches," in Proc. of 24th IEEE NCC Conference (IEEE NCC 2018), 25-28 Feb, 2018 (Accepted for publication).
Wala’a AlHamal, Rayan AlShubar, Sarah Abualsaud, Sahar AlSadah, Abul Bashar, " TinyDuino-based Device Tracking and Mobile Monitoring System," in Proc. of 9th IEEE GCC Conference (IEEE GCC 2017), Bahrain, 8-11 May, 2017 (Accepted for publication).
A. Bashar, " BN-based Approach for Predictive Admission Control of Cloud Services," in Proc. of 7th IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC 2017), India, 5-7 Jan., 2017 (Accepted for publication).
A. Bashar,Comparative Study of Tools and Techniques for Cloud Services QoS Performance Management, 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN 2015).
A. Bashar,International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, ICCCSS 2014, Los Angeles, USA September 29 - 30, 2014.
A. Bashar, G.P. Parr, S.I. McClean, B.W. Scotney, D. Nauck, A Novel Distributed Call Admission Control Solution based on Machine Learning Approach, in Proc. of 12th IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2011), Dublin, Republic of Ireland, pp. 867-877, 23-27 May, 2011.
N. Moradpoor, A. Bashar, G.P. Parr, S.I. McClean, B.W. Scotney, G. Owusu, Using Bayesian Belief Networks for Burst Detection in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks, in Proc. of International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (ICWOC 2011), Zhengzhou, China, 21-22 May, 2011.
A. Bashar, G.P. Parr, S.I. McClean, B.W. Scotney, D. Nauck, Machine Learning based Call Admission Control Approaches: A Comparative Study, in Proc. of 6th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2010), Niagara Falls, Canada, pp. 431-434, 25-29 Oct, 2010.
A. Bashar, G.P. Parr, S.I. McClean, B.W. Scotney, D. Nauck, Knowledge Discovery using Bayesian Network Framework for Intelligent Telecommunication Network Management, in Proc. of Springer LNCS LNAI series, 4th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering & Management (KSEM 2010), Belfast, UK, pp. 518-529, 1-3 Sep, 2010.
A. Bashar, G.P. Parr, S.I. McClean, B.W. Scotney, D. Nauck, Learning-based Call Admission Control Framework for QoS Management in Heterogeneous Networks, in Proc. of Springer LNCS CCIS series, 2nd International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT 2010), Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. II, pp. 99-111, 7-9 July, 2010.
A. Bashar, G.P. Parr, S.I. McClean, B.W. Scotney, D. Nauck, Real-time Data Analytics for Next Generation Networks, Poster presentation at 3rd Technical Workshop of IU-ATC, University of Ulster, Coleraine, UK, June 2010.
A. Bashar, G.P. Parr, S.I. McClean, B.W. Scotney, D. Nauck, Autonomic Network Management Through Bayesian Network Based Decision Support, Poster presentation at 30th Conference of Applied Statistics in Ireland (CASI 2010), Portrush, UK, May 2010.
A. Bashar, G.P. Parr, S.I. McClean, B.W. Scotney, M. Subramanian, S.K Chaudhari, T.A. Gonsalves, Employing Bayesian Belief Networks for energy efficient Network Management, in Proc. of 16th IEEE National Conference on Communications (NCC 2010), IIT Madras, India, pp.1-5, 29-31 Jan. 2010.
A. Bashar, G.P. Parr, S.I. McClean, B.W. Scotney, D. Nauck, Autonomic Network Management Through Bayesian Network Based Decision Support System, Poster presentation at workshop New Topics at the Interface Between Probability and Communications, University of Cambridge, UK, Jan. 2010.
A. Bashar, G.P. Parr, S.I. McClean, B.W. Scotney, D. Nauck, BARD: A novel application of Bayesian reasoning for proactive network management, in Proc. of 10th Postgraduate Conference on Telecoms, Networking and Broadcasting (PGNET 2009), Liverpool, UK, pp. 161-166, 22-23 June 2009.
M. Mohandes, Sharif Iqbal, Ahmed A Hussain, Noman Tasadduq, Abul Bashar, Development of 8086 Microprocessor Course for Web-based Learning, in Proc. of 5th Saudi Technical Conference, Riyadh, KSA, 11-14 January, 2009.
Abul Bashar, Syed Tariq Maghrabi, Script to control the printing of PS files based on the number of pages , AIX Update, Xephon Inc., England, pp. 3-6, August 2002.
S.A. Al-Semari, M. Abulbashar, Exact calculation of the union bound for the performance of turbo codes over fading channels, in Proc. of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 1999), New Orleans, USA, pp.457-460, vol.1, Sep. 1999.
Modeling and Simulation Strategies for Performance Evaluation of Cloud Computing Systems
Performance Analysis Framework to Optimize Storage Infrastructure for Cloud Computing
BNITE: Bayesian Networks-Based Intelligent Traffic Engineering for Energy-Aware NGN
Performance Analysis of Bayesian Networks-based Distributed Call Admission Control for NGN
Digital Signal Processing
Signals & Systems
Circuits II
Circuits I
Digital & Logic Design
Network Management
Network Theory
Computer Organization
Cloud Computing
Practical Training
Systems Programming
Computer Science I (Java programming)
Introduction to Computing (C programming)
Assessment III(Senior Design Projects)