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  • Samer Al- Imamy, Ph.D.

  • Job Title :

    Assistant Professor

  • College :

    College of Business Administration

  • Department :

    Management Information Systems

Gained PhD degree in Cybernetics and Computer Science from University of Reading, United Kingdom, 1988.
Worked as Information Systems & Business Department Chair at Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) (UAE), Faculty and MIS Department Head at University of Sharjah (UAE), Faculty and Computer Science & MIS Department head at Mazoon College (Oman), Senior Analyst/Programmer at Datamail Ltd. (New Zealand), Senior Lecturer at Massy University (New Zealand) and Assistant Professor at Sana University (Yemen).
Image Processing, pattern recognition, use of technology in teaching, blended learning.


  • PhD. From Reading University, UK
  • MSc. Mosul & BSc. Al-Mustansriyya



  1. Alimamy, S., & Al-Imamy, S. (2021). Customer perceived value through quality augmented reality experiences in retail: The mediating effect of customer attitudes. Journal of Marketing Communications, 1-20.
  2. Al-Imamy, S. Y. (2019). Blending printed texts with digital resources through augmented reality interaction. Education and Information Technologies, 1-16.s
  3. Al-Imamy, S. Y. (2017). Computer programming course for non-MIS business students: Curriculum, perception and enrichment. IOSR Journal of Business and Management19(3), 87-95.
  4. "الارشاد التربوي والنفسي في المؤسسات التعليمية" – كتاب  صادر من دار المسيرة – الطبعة الاولى 2011
  5. Educational and Psychological Guidance in Educational Institutions – Book in Arabic 2011.
  6. “A Framework for a Form-Based User-Driven Requirements Gathering System” in International Journal of Excellence in e-Solutions for Management, Vol. 2, Issue 1, December 2008.
  7. “Investigation of Information Technology Use by Non-English Speaking Academics” in University of Sharjah Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, Vol. 4, No.2, PP. 25-45, June 2007.
  8.  “An Empirical Investigation of Student Perceptions of the Effect of a Blended Learning Environment on the Learning Outcomes” in International Journal of Excellence in e-Solutions for Management, vol. 1, issue 2, PP.28-39, Dec. 2007.
  9.  “On the Development of a Programming Teaching Tool: The Effect of Teaching by Templates on the Learning Process” in Journal of Information Technology Education, Vol. 5, PP. 271-283, Oct. 2006.
  10. "The MIS Expectation Gap in UAE: Industry Expectations Versus Academic Preparation", The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, vol. 7, no. 2, 2005.
  11. E-Government in Sharjah Municipality, EMBA thesis (supervision) 2002.
  12. Many research reports and technical notes – kept as Datamail assets. 1997 – 2000.
  13. Ph.D. research in Neural Nets and Pattern Recognition – co-supervised 1995.
  14. "Typewritten and Handwritten Arabic Character Recognition", 2nd Computer Conference, Basrah, 1993.
  15. "Handwritten Arabic Character Recognition", IEEE PAMI, July 1990, 704 – 710.
  16. "Off-line Arabic Character Recognition" IEEE Computer, July 1992, 71 – 74.




Scopus Author ID: 57212392301
ORCUD ID:  https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1448-909X


Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University-MIS Department Chair then Faculty                                                       

Feb 2011- Present

Datam Ltd., New Zealand-Software Developer                                                                                                         

Sep 2010 – Feb 2011

Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT), UAE-Information Systems & Business Department Chair                     

Aug 2006 – Jun 2010

University of Sharjah, UAE-Faculty then MIS Department Head                                                                           

Jan 2001 – Jul 2006

Mazoon College, Oman-Faculty and Computer Science & MIS Department head                                              

Jul 2000 – Jan 2001

Datamail Ltd., New Zealand-Senior Analyst/Programmer                                                                                       

May 1997 – Jul 2000

Massy University, New Zealand-Senior Lecturer                                                                                                     

Feb 1996 – Feb 1997

Sana’a University, Yemen-Assistant Professor                                                                                                       

Sep 1993 – Oct 1995

Al-Mansour University, Iraq-Lecturer                                                                                                                        

Sep 1992 – Aug 1993

Programming Language, (C++, Java, C# and VB.NET, Data structure),

Object Oriented Analysis & Design and UML patterns,

Final year capstone projects,

Database Management Systems,

Decision Support Systems,

As well as the well-known packages, such as Visual Paradigm, Microsoft office, Project and Visio.

Blended learning, Augmented reality, IT in Education, Software Engineering