Dr. Nadine Fayad is an architect with a Ph.D. in urban planning and is currently an Assistant Professor in the College of Architecture and Design at Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University. She has worked as a consultant in the Saudi public sector, primarily with local authorities and municipalities, focusing on drafting urban and municipal regulations and guidelines. With extensive teaching experience in architecture, she currently teaches urban planning and architecture while advising students on urban regeneration, cultural preservation, and socio-economic analysis. Her work and research interests bridge theory and practice, exploring urban transformation and the impact of neoliberal policies on cities.
Ph.D. in urban planning - University of Lille, France – 2022/12.
Post-Master’s degree in Architecture of Environments - École Spéciale d’Architecture, Paris – 2016/09
Bachelor in Architecture - Lebanese American University - 2014/ 08
1-Fayad, N., Jung, C., Nayfeh, J. F., Seif El Dine, L., & Al-Ahmadi, M. S. (2024, November). Sustainable public space design: Integrating ecological, economic, and social frameworks in urban environments. Civil and Environmental Engineering for Resilient, Smart, and Sustainable Solutions (CEES 2024). Q1 Scopus-indexed conference proceedings.
2- Fayad, N. (in press). Intersecting urban realities: Unforeseen convergences of metropolisation, neoliberalism, and urban interstices. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. Q1 journal
3- Fayad, N. (2022). Le fleuve, espace interstitiel de la métropolisation : Nahr Beyrouth, entre néolibéralisation et formes de résistance urbaine. Géographie, Université de Lille.
4- Fayad, N. (2021). Le paradoxe d'un espace pluriel : Le cas du fleuve Nahr Beyrouth. URBIA. Les Cahiers du développement urbain durable.
5- Fayad, N. (2019, September). Espace-ressource dans une ville fragile : Le cas du fleuve Nahr Beyrouth [3 Images in 180 seconds]. Doctorales en sciences sociales de l'eau 2019, École Normale Supérieure, Lyon, France. CNRS.
6- Fayad, N. (2019, December). Espace ressource dans une métropolisation fragile : Le cas du fleuve Nahr Beyrouth [Conference proceeding]. Rencontres doctorales en urbanisme et aménagement de l'APERAU, Strasbourg, France.
7- Fayad, N. (2017). Relation to environment, amplified geography and alternative urban planning strategy [Conference presentation]. Athens Institute for Education & Research, ATINER Conference Presentation Series, No. PLA2017-0035. Q2 Scopus-indexed conference proceedings.
2025/current – 2024/08, Assistant professor, Prince Mohammad Bin Fah University
2022/12- 2017/01, Researcher, TVES laboratory in SESAM Doctoral school Lille, France
2020/04-2019/08, University instructor, Lebanese International University, Lebanon.
Dr. Nadine aims to contribute to preparing an outstanding generation of architects who will shape the future of architecture and urban planning in Saudi Arabia and the region.
2025/current – 2024/08, Assistant professor, Prince Mohammad Bin Fah University
2024/04-2023/08 – Urban Planner, Policy Specialist – Consultant in Diriyah Gate Development Authority, ParadigmX Advisors, Saudi Arabia.
2023/08- 2023/05 – Technical Urban Leader – Consultant in Sharqiah Development Authority, SALFO & Associates, Saudi Arabia.
2022/12- 2017/01 –Researcher, TVES laboratory in SESAM Doctoral school Lille, France
2020/04-2019/08 –University instructor, Lebanese International University, Lebanon.
2014/09- 2016/08 – Urban Planner- Researcher, Koura Municipalities Union, Lebanon.
Architecture Design Studio VIII
Architecture Design Studio VII
Building Codes & Univ. Design
Building Systems I
Architectural Structures
Design Studio I- Fundamentals
The research interests include regenerating degraded urban environments, analyzing social and economic contexts, preserving cultural, social, and natural urban contexts, designing innovative urban and architectural solutions, addressing philosophical and ethical questions arising from word’s metamorphosis, and analyzing the effects of neoliberalization on urban spaces.
Since 2014 member in the Order of Engineers and Architects -Tripoli-Lebanon
-Juror in University Of Bahrain (Landscape Design IV)
-Juror in Ecole Speciale d’Archirecture, Paris (post-master’s degree Graduation Defense)
-Award from the Order of Engineers and Architects
-Award from the Lebanese American University (publication of FYP)