Maura A. E. Pilotti is a cognitive scientist whose research interests include learning and memory processes across the lifespan and in different cultures. Currently, her research focuses on the interrelations of memory, language, culture, and emotion. She received her Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology at the City University of New York (USA). She teaches psychology, and courses related to research and assessment.
Google Scholar link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1B2b11cAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Orcid Link: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7955-680X
Cognitive Science Research Center: Research Associate
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7955-680X
Scopus Author ID: 7004200241
Undergraduate Courses: Introductory Psychology*, Statistics*, Experimental Psychology, Research Methods, Cognitive Psychology*, Research in Memory and Cognition*, Applied Cognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Techniques in Physiological Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Lifespan Development*, Psychology of Aging, Group Processes, Social Psychology*, Applied Behavioral Science Capstone*, Elective Courses (e.g., ‘Reading the News: An Exploration of Applied Cognition’ and ‘Insights into Human Nature’), Independent Study, and Independent Research. * Also taught online or via ITV mode
Undergraduate Courses Specifically Taught at PMU: Introductory Psychology, Writing and Research, Learning Outcome Assessment I, Learning Outcome Assessment II, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Leadership and Teamwork, Technical Writing, and Psychology and Law.
Graduate Courses: Statistics, Research Design, Memory and Cognition, Ethics in Psychology, and Independent or Directed Study.
Cognitive Science Neuroscience Cultural Psychology Higher Education
Membership: American Psychological Association, American Psychological Society, Eastern Psychological Association, International Reading Association, Psi Chi, Psychonomic Society, Rocky Mountain Psychological Association (RMPA), Sigma Xi, and Western Psychological Association (WPA).