Faculty Img
  • Phone:


  • Email:


  • Office No:


  • Kaouther Sassi

  • Job Title :


  • College :

    College of Architecture and Design

  • Department :

    Graphic Design


  • 2003-2008: Bachelors  of Design (specialty: interior design) from ‘’ecole
    Supérieur des Sciences et Technologies du Design‘’ (ESSTED) TUNISIA .
  • 2008-2011: Master Degree in History of Civilizations of Mediterranean World
    (Specialty: Archeology and Islamic arts) from university of ‘’faculte desLettres etdes Arts et des Sciences Humaines de la Manouba‘’. TUNISIA .

Master Degree in History of Civilizations of Mediterranean World
(Specialty: Archeology and Islamic arts) from university of ‘’faculte des Lettres etdes Arts et des Sciences Humaines de la Manouba‘’. TUNISIA .


  • Participation in the faculty workshop: teaching design and pedagogy on 28/10 /2013.
  • peaker in IT symposium at jubail university college, kingdom of Saudi Arabia .on 05/06/2013.
  • Attendance to the conference: Sustainability through Biomimicry held in Dammam University from 26-27 /11/2012.
  • Exterior jury member in king Fahd University in 31/12/2012.
  • Participation in jubail first international engineering and technology education conference in 14-15 may 2012.
  • Attendance to different exhibitions in Jeddah such as Index, Spa and Baths.
  • Speaker in the series of lecturers for staff continuing development at jubail university college, kingdom of Saudi Arabia .on 04/16/2013.
  • Jury member for  Design  competition between yanbu and jubail universities
  • Jury member in HIMMA competition at Dammam university.



Biomimicry in sustainable architecture through the architectural heritage.’