Dr. Edyta Wolny-Abouelwafa is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at PMU in KSA and Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Center for Futuristic Studies. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Warsaw (Poland) and Ph.D. in Humanities in Literary Studies at the same University. She is academic teacher but also active researcher. What is more, in Poland she has been teaching Arabic and Egyptian dialect and was popularizing knowledge about Arab world and Islam. Since May 2022 she is proud to have the honorary title “The Ambassador of the Initiative Etkallem Arabi in Poland” which she received from the Egyptian Minister of Emigration. Etkallem Arabi is the initiative launched by the Egyptian Ministry of Emigration and Egyptian Abroad Affairs and under the auspices of the Egyptian President Abd al-Fattah As-Sisi.
PhD Humanities in Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland 06/2020.
The Ideal Egyptian Citizen – Teaching Islam based on Egyptian Textbooks in Primary Schools in the School Years 2013/2014 –2015/2016.
Master’s in Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland 05/2015.
The Example of the Perfect Egyptian in the Manuals of Civic Education in the School Year 2013/2014.
Bachelor’s in Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland 06/2013.
The Qurʾān, Hadiths and Fatwa and Problem of Muslim Family in Egypt.
Planned for 2025:
Article about Polish expats’ perception on women in Saudi Arabia.
Article about Hussain Al Jassmi’s songs for Egypt.
Article about common mistakes made by PMU female students while learning English.
Under processing:
Representations of Social Topics - a Content Analysis of the Satiric Egyptian TV Series "Il-Kabeer Awi".
Renegotiating Nationalism in Arabic Songs: Depictions of the Country's Rulers. Case Studies – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Arab Republic of Egypt, with. B. Alqahtani.
The Impact of Cultural & Economic Changes on Saudi Arabian Women, with. B. Alqahtani, in Dirasat: Human & Social Science, 2025.
Qatar as a rising sports power. Lessons from China, in cooperation with Michał Dahl and Yue Mingchunxiao.
Published works (articles, chapters and books):
Saudi Arabia is Changing: Exploring the 2030 Vision Impact on Everyday Life & Entertainment, with. B. Alqahtani, in Journal of Management & Applied Science, vol 10, Nr 7, 2024.
Exploring EFL Teacher’s Perspectives on the Role of Social Media for Building Trustin the Workplace, with Abdulwahed Nasser M Alkharkan, Ashwag Althowibi, HanaKhalid, Amera Alharbi, Haifa Alghamdi, Shahla Abu Zahra, in World Journal of English Language, vol. 14, No 6, 2024.
The Heart of Arabs. Emirati Songs for Egypt, in Nowa Polityka Wschodnia, Nr. 2 (37), 2023, pp. 278-294 [https://czasopisma.marszalek.com.pl/images/pliki/npw/37/npw3713.pdf].
Socio-Political Events and Music: Egyptian Songs Supporting ʿAbd Fattāḥ al-Sīsī, “Journalism and Media”, No 4(4), 2023, 1182-1197, [https://www.mdpi.com/2673-5172/4/4/75].
The Egyptian Ramadan TV Series and National Fight with Drug Addiction, “African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies”, No 2, 2023, pp. 47-58. [https://czasopisma.marszalek.com.pl/images/pliki/ajepss/2-1/ajepss2023103.pdf].
“Her Nile appears on the photo with the sign of victory” – Nancy Ajram’s Songs for Egypt, in " Between an idea and practice. An Asian perspective", edited by Joanna Marszałek-Kawa, Renata Podgórzańska, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2022, pp. 73-96.
Il-Kabīr Awī Series as Instrument to Diagnose Cultural Discrepancies in Contemporary Egyptian Society and Their Resolution Via Consensus and Assimilation, in "Przegląd Orientalistyczny" ("Oriental Review"), No 1-4 (277-280), Warszawa 2021, pp. 33-46
Taḥyā Maṣr songs and their message… messages?, in "Rocznik Orientalistyczny" ("Yearbook of Oriental Studies), T. LXXIV, Z. 2, 2021, pp. 59-81.
Representations of Egyptian Society in Egyptian Patriotic Video Clips (2018-2020), in "Cultural, Social and Political Dimensions of Non-European Societies: Case Studies of Selected Sociaties in Asia and the Middle East", edited by Joanna Marszałek-Kawa, Jakub Zajączkowski, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2021, pp. 175-196. [E-book is available on the website of the International Asian Congress:
The way women are portrayed in the Egyptian TV series Il-Kabīr Awī, in "Bliski Wschód w świecie: historia, polityka, kultura" ("Middle East in the World: History, Politics, Culture"), edited by Marta Woźniak-Bobińska, Katedra Bliskiego Wschodu i Północnej Afryki UŁ, Łódź 2021, pp. 217-232.
ISLAM AND CIVIC EDUCATION IN EGYPT. Analysis of Textbooks for Islamic Upbringing, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 2020.
Challenges Facing the Country and the Policy of Egyptian Authorities - Examples of Activities on the Political and Educational Level, in "Przegląd Orientalistyczny" ("Oriental Review"), No 2-3 (274-275), Warszawa 2020, pp. 233-243.
Egipskie seriale ramadanowe wobec wyzwań i zagrożeń współczesności ("Egyptian Ramadan TV series in relation to contemporary challenges and threats"), in "Bliski Wschód wobec wyzwań i zagrożeń współczesności" ("Middle East in Relation to Contemporary Challenges and Threats"), edited by Marta Woźniak-Bobińska, KBWiPA UŁ, Łódź 2020, pp. 139-153.
The Content of Egyptian Textbooks for Islamic Education in Primary Schools in "Hemispheres. Studies on Cultures and Societies", Vol. 34, Warsaw 2019, pp. 41-54.
Pride in History – Particularly Pharaonic – in Contemporary Egyptian Songs as a part of Shaping National Identity, in "EGYPT YESTERDAY AND TODAY. Between Tradition and Modernity" edited by K. Myśliwiec, K. Pachniak, K. Nabożna, E. Wolny-Abouelwafa, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, Polish Academy of Sciences & Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw 2019.
Kształtowanie postaw obywatelskich poprzez ukazywanie koegzystencji muzułmanów i chrześcijan w Egipcie ("Shaping Civil Attitudes Through Showing Coexistence Between Muslims and Christians in Egypt"), in "Świat arabski w historii, języku i kulturze" ("Arabic world in history, language and culture"), edited by M. Kubarek, M. Lewicka, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2018, pp. 90-103.
Próba połączenia tradycji i nowocześności w orzecznictwie religijnym na podstawie wybranych fatw wydanych przez Dar al-iftaʾ al-misrijja ("An Attempt to Combine Tradition and Modernity in Religious Jurisprudence Based on Selected Fatwas Issued by Dar al-iftaʾ al-misriyah") in "Przegląd Orientalistyczny" ("Oriental Review"), No 1-2 (265-266), Warszawa 2018, pp. 141-153.
Bogactwo semantyczne jednej z okładek czasopisma Hurrijati w analizie kognitywnej ("The Semantic Richness of one of the Covers of Horiyaty Magazine in Cognitive Analysis"), in "Orientaliści kognitywnie" ("Orientalists in the cognitive research"), edited by J. Jurewicz, Dom Wydawniczy ELIPSA, Warszawa 2018, pp. 95-104.
Nauczanie kultury osobistej w ramach nauczania religii muzułmańskiej w rządowychszkołach podstawowych we współczesnym Egipcie ("The Teaching of Good Manners as Part of Islamic Education in Government Primary Schools in Contemporary Egypt"), in "Między ekskluzją a inkluzją w edukacji religijnej" ("Between Exclusion and Inclusion in Religious Education") edited by M. Humeniuk, I. Paszenda, Instytut Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2017, pp. 276-287.
Wyzwania wychowawcze i edukacyjne stojące przed muzułmanami w Egipcie w dobie globalizacji ("Pedagogical and Educational Challenges Faced by Muslims in Egypt in Times of Globalization"), in "Edukacja w zglobalizowanym świecie" ("Education in in the Era of Globalization") edited by V. Tarnaś, W.Welskop, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Biznesu i Nauki o Zdrowiu w Łodzi; Łódź 2016, pp. 265-275.
Historia w egipskich podręcznikach do wychowania muzułmańskiego (2013/2014 do 2015/2016) jako czynnik kształtujący postawy uczniów ("History in Egyptian Textbooks for Islamic Education (2013/2014 to 2015/2016) as a Factor Shaping Students` Attitudes"), in "Przegląd Orientalistyczny" ("Oriental Review") No 1-2(257-258), Warszawa 2016, pp. 231-240.
Scientific editing:
EGYPT YESTERDAY AND TODAY. Between Tradition and Modernity, edited by K. Myśliwiec, K. Pachniak, K. Nabożna, E. Wolny-Abouelwafa, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures Polish Academy of Sciences & Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies University of Warsaw, Warsaw 2019.
Amakin wa-asma - miejsca i nazwy. Geografia historyczna i toponomastyka świata muzułmańskiego. Odkrycia, interpretacje, podsumowania, perspektywy ("Amakin wa-asma - places and names. Historical Geography and Toponomy of the Muslim World. Discoveries, Interpretations, Recapitulation, Prospects"), edited by M. G. Witkowski, E. Wolny, B. R. Zagórski, Instytut Kultur Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych PAN, Warszawa 2018.
Other Scientific Tasks Connected with Different Publications:
Scientific consultations, e.g. Ziemia Świętego Charbela (“Saint Charbel’s Land”), author: Marcin Kołpanowicz, Wydawnictwo AA, Kraków 2016 & Bliskowschodnie podróże Mikołaja Krzysztofa Radziwiłła “Sierotki” i inne szkice, author: Hieronim Kaczmarek, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 2020.
Preparing the reviews of scientific articles, e.g in African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies (AJEPSS) and IAFOr International Conference on Education.
Scientific Conferences:
Dr. Edyta Wolny-Abouelwafa is very active researcher who yearly presents results of her research on different international conferences. Scientific conferences which she took part/will take part until 2024 are below:
Active Participation In Scientific Conferences:
American and Egyptian together in one home and family – the world shown in a satiric Egyptian Ramadan series Al-Kabir Awi as a part of International Conference on Humanities, Social and Education Science (iHSeS), Apr 2024.
Attempts to Deal with the Covid 19 Pandemic through Music in the Arab World – Selected Examples as a part of panel e-discussion entitled: "Arab world – selected issues and different perspectives” as a part of 11th International Asian Congress, Mar 2024.
Can Egyptian patriotic songs be treated as an example of repairing a broken world? as a part of the 1st International Conference of Africa which is a part of International Congress of Africa, Feb 2024.
The Main Problems Didactics Face While Teaching Dialects of the Arabic Language. The study Case: Egyptian Dialect as a part of the International Conference on Research in Education and Science, Jan 2024
Egyptian Patriotic Music between 2013-2014 as a part of the 6th World Conference on Social Sciences & Humanities, July 2023.
Hussain Al Jassmi’s support for the vision of the country as a part of panel e-discussion entitled: "Świat arabski – wybrane zagadnienia i różne perspektywy" ("Arab world – selected issues and different perspectives”) as a part of 10th International Asian Congress, Jun 2023.
“Long Live the Egyptian Army!” – the Egyptian Patriotic Music Toward Army in 2013 as a part of International Conference on Humanities, Social and Educational Sciences (iHSES), Apr 2023.
“We want you!” – Egyptian songs supporting ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ as-Sīsī in 2013-2014 as a part of 2023 SoRes Dubai – International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Social Sciences, Feb 2023.
“Iḥna w-intum qalb wāḥid” – sposób przedstawiania miłości do Egiptu przez wybranych emirackich artystów ("“Iḥna w-intum qalb wāḥid”– the way of presenting love to Egypt by selected Emirati artists") as a part of panel e-discussion entitled: "Świat arabski – wybrane zagadnienia i różne perspektywy" ("Arab world – selected issues and different perspectives”) as a part of 9th International Asian Congress, Jun 2022.
Being under the control of drugs... way of presenting a huge social problem (drug addiction) in the Egyptian series "Taḥt as-Sayṭara" as a part of Scientific Conference "Societies and Cultures of Asia and Africa: Past and Present", University of Warsaw, Oct 2021.
Twórczość libańskiej gwiazdy pop – Nancy Ajram dla Egiptu ("Works by Lebanese Pop Star Nancy Ajram for Egypt") as a part of panel e-discussion entitled: "Świat arabski – wybrane zagadnienia i różne perspektywy" ("Arab world – selected issues and different perspectives") as a part of 8th International Asian Congress, Sep 2021.
Relations between the United Arab Emirates and Egypt as presented in the contemporary songs as a part of the Culture Made in Arabia International Online Conference, New York University Abu Dhabi, Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi & Centre Français d'Etudes sur la Péninsule Arabique, Apr 2021.
Jakie jest społeczeństwo egipskie przedstawione w wybranych teledyskach patriotycznych? ("What is the Egyptian society like presented in selected patriotic video clips?") as a part of panel e-discussion entitled: "Społeczeństwo Egiptu XX i XXI-go wieku – rożne aspekty i perspektywy" ("Egyptian society of the 20th and 21st century - different aspects and perspectives") as a part of 7th International Asian Congress, Nov 2020.
"Bint maṣriyya ṣaʿīdiyya wa-aṣīla” i inne kobiety w serialu Al-Kabīr Awī ("„Bint maṣriyya ṣaʿīdiyya wa-aṣīla” and other women in Al-Kabīr Awī series") as a part of National e-Conference during XVII Dni Arabskie (XVII Arabic Days), University of Łódź, Oct 2020.
Egipskie seriale ramadanowe wobec wyzwań i zagrożeń współczesności ("Egyptian Ramadan TV series in relation to contemporary challenges and threats") as a part of National Conference during XVI Dni Arabskie (XVI Arabic Days), Łodź, University of Łódź, May 2019.
What "love Egypt" means - expected attitudes coming from popular contemporary Egyptian national songs and video clips as a part of 5th edition of World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, Seville, University of Seville, Jul 2018.
"We’re the sons of the Pharaohs and we’re proud to be Egyptians" – duma z historii jako istotny element kreowania tożsamości Egipcjan na podstawie wybranych piosenek i teledysków z lat 2011-2016 ("We`re the sons of the Pharaohs and we`re proud to be Egyptians" – Taking pride in history as a crucial element of shaping Egyptians’ identity on the basis of selected songs and video clips from 2011-2016) as a part of the 1st edition of National Scientific Conference: EGIPT WCZORAJ I DZIŚ. Między tradycją a nowoczesnością (EGYPT - YESTERDAY AND TODAY. Between Tradition and Modernity), Warsaw, University of Warsaw, Nov 2017.
Content of Egyptian textbooks for Islamic education in primary schools as one of the methods solving the country’s problems by making people aware of civic attitudes as part of the International Scientific Conference: "Religious dynamics in contemporary Egypt", Cairo, Institut Franҫais d`Egypte-Mounira, Sep 2017.
Sposób ukazywania obrazu braterskiej koegzystencji i współpracy wyznawców islamu i chrześcijaństwa w Egipcie na przestrzeni ostatnich kilku lat jako czynnik kształtujący postawy obywatelskie na podstawie wybranych tekstów kultury ("Ways of showing images of Brotherhood co-existence and cooperation between Christians and Muslims in Egypt in recent years as a factor shaping civic attitudes on the basis of selected cultural texts") as part of 10th National Arabic Conference „Świat arabski w języku, historii i kulturze” ("The Arab World in Language, History and Culture"), Toruń, Nicolaus Copernicus University on Jun 2017.
Phenomenon of the Al-Kabeer Awi series as an instrument to diagnose cultural discrepancies in contemporary Egyptian society and their resolution via consensus and assimilation as part of National Student-Doctoral Scientific Conference conducted in English: "The Mosaic of Contemporary Arab World", Kraków, Jagiellonian University, May 2017.
Wybrane przykłady fatw jako dowód na połączenie ciągłości i zmiany w religijnym życiu codziennym muzułmanów ("Selected examples of fatwa as evidence of combining continuity and change in everyday religious Muslim life") as part of the 4th National Oriental Conference: "Religia i społeczeństwo – ciągłość czy zmiana?" ("Religion and Society – Continuity or Change?"), Warsaw, Warsaw University, May 2017.
Między Ameryką a Górnym Egiptem, czyli świat przedstawiony w serialu Al-Kabeer Awi jako satyra egipskiej rzeczywistości ("Between America and Upper Egypt, the world shown in Al-Kabeer Awi series as satire of Egyptian reality as part of the 5th Interdisciplinary Student-Doctoral Scientific Conference: "Między Wschodem a Zachodem, między Północą a Południem" ("Between East and West, Between North and South"), Warsaw, Warsaw University, May 2016.
Obraz islamu wyłaniający się z egipskich podręczników do wychowania muzułmańskiego w szkołach podstawowych w roku szkolnym 2015/2016 ("The image of Islam emerging from Egyptian textbooks for Islamic education in primary schools in school year 2015/2016") as part of Student-Doctoral Conference "Islam ponowoczesny - różne oblicza islamu", ("Post-modern Islam – Different Images of Islam"), Warsaw, Warsaw University, May 2016.
Wyzwania wychowawcze i edukacyjne stojące przed muzułmanami w Egipcie w dobie globalizacji ("Pedagogical and educational challenges faced by Muslims in Egypt in the era of globalization") as part of the 3rd International Scientific E-conference from the cycle "Pedagogika XXI wieku – dylematy i wyzwania EDUKACJA W ZGLOBALIZOWANYM ŚWIECIE" ("21st century pedagogy – Dilemmas and Challenges EDUCATION IN A GLOBALIZED WORLD"), Łódź, The Academy of Business and Health Sciences, May 2016.
Wybrane elementy historii w egipskich podręcznikach do wychowania muzułmańskiego w rządowych szkołach podstawowych w latach szkolnych od 2013/2014 do 2015/2016 ("Selected elements of history in Egyptian textbooks for Islamic education in government primary schools in Islamic education in government primary schools in school years from 2013/2014 till 2015/2016") as part of the 3rd National Oriental Conference: "Pamięć historyczna w kulturach krajów Azji i Afryki" ("Historical Memory in Cultures of Asia and Africa"), Warsaw, Warsaw University, Apr 2016.
Nauczanie kultury osobistej w ramach nauczania religii muzułmańskiej w rządowych szkołach podstawowych we współczesnym Egipcie ("Teaching personal culture within Islamic education in government primary schools in contemporary Egypt") as part of the National Scientific Conference: MIĘDZY EKSKLUZJĄ A INKLUZJĄ W EDUKACJI RELIGIJNEJ ("BETWEEN EXCLUSION AND INCLUSION IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION"), Wrocław, Wrocław University, Dec 2015.
Sławią jednego – pociągają tłumy, czyli piosenki na cześć prezydenta As-Sisiego ("Glorify one – attract crowds, songs praising president El-Sisi) as part of the Scientific Conference: "Tożsamość w świecie arabskim i muzułmańskim" ("Identity in the Arab and Muslim World"), Warsaw, Warsaw University, May 2015.
Organizing Scientific Conferences:
Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Africa which is a part of International Congress of Africa. The Congress will take place regularly every year starting from Feb 2024 in Toruń, Poland.
Originator and co-organizer of the international bi-lingual (Arabic-English) webinars devoted to Popular culture at Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University which has been taken place every day since May 2023.
Co-originator of series of scientific international English-Arabic e-conferences EGYPT FROM AMR IBN AL-AS UNTIL TODAY
Originator of series of scientific conferences EGYPT YESTERDAY AND TODAY.
Co-organizer of the National Scientific E-Conference: Tysiąc jeden arabskich miast ("One Thousand Arab Cities"), organised on Oct 2020; Organizing institution: Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of Polish Academy of Sciences.
Co-organizer of the 1st edition of the National Scientific Conference: EGIPT WCZORAJ I DZIŚ. Między tradycją a nowoczesnością (EGYPT - YESTERDAY AND TODAY. Between Tradition and Modernity) held at Warsaw University on Nov 2017; Organizing institutions: Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of Polish Academy of Sciences & Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Warsaw.
Co-organizer of the National Scientific Conference AMAKIN WA-ASMA. Geografia historyczna i toponomastyka świata muzułmańskiego – odkrycia, interpretacje, podsumowania, perspektywy ("AMAKIN WA-ASMA. Historical Geography and Toponomy of the Muslim World – Discoveries, Interpretations, Recapitulation, Prospects") held in Staszic Palace on Feb 2017; Organizing institutions: Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of Polish Academy of Sciences & Ibn Chaldun Institute.
Moderator Of Panel Discussions:
Moderator of a panel e-discussion entitled: "Arab world – selected issues and different perspectives” as a part of 11th International Asian Congress, Mar 2024.
Moderator of a panel e-discussion entitled: "Arab world – selected issues and different perspectives as a part of 10th International Asian Congress, Jun 2023.
Session chair at the International Conference on Humanities, Social and Education Sciences (iHSES), Apr 2023.
Moderator of a panel e-discussion entitled: "Świat arabski - wybrane zagadnienia i różne perspektywy" ("Arab world – selected issues and different perspectives") as a part of 9th International Asian Congress, Jun 2022.
Moderator of a panel e-discussion entitled: "Świat arabski - wybrane zagadnienia i różne perspektywy" ("Arab world – selected issues and different perspectives") as a part of 8th International Asian Congess, Sep 2021.
Moderator of a panel e-discussion entitled: "Społeczeństwo Egiptu XX i XXI-go wieku – rożne aspekty i perspektywy" ("Egyptian society of the 20th and 21st century – different aspects and perspectives") as a part of 7th International Asian Congress, Nov 2020.
Moderator of a session during the National Scientific E-Conference: Tysiąc jeden arabskich miast ("One Thousand Arabic Cities"), organised on Oct 2020; Organizing institution: Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of Polish Academy of Sciences.
Moderator of a session during the National Scientific Conference AMAKIN WA-ASMA. Geografia i toponomastyka świata muzułmańskiego – odkrycia, interpretacje, podsumowania, perspektywy ("AMAKIN WA-ASMA. Historical Geography and Toponomy of the Muslim World – Discoveries, Interpretations, Recapitulation, Prospects") held in Staszic Palace on Feb 2017; Organizing institutions: Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of Polish Academy of Sciences & Ibn Chaldun Institute.
Oral Communication
Technical & Professional Communication
Introduction to Futures Skills
Introduction to Futures Studies
Professional Development & Competences
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Her scientific interests include: teaching Islam in government-run Egyptian primary schools, Egyptian mass culture, globalization in the Arab world, dialects in Egypt, everyday life in Arab countries. She is an Ambassador of the Egyptian Initiative in Poland: “Etkallem Arabi”, she teaches Arabic and Egyptian Dialect in Poland.